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[-] QPTV JTF Shows Archive

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[1] Trump's crazy plan for U.S. control of Gaza will never happen (JTF video)

[2] Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)

[3] Thank G-d, Trump cancels the sanctions on the heroic Hilltop Youth (JTF video)

[4] Trump betrays Israel by demanding surrender to Hamas (JTF video)

[5] From JTF's old TV show: Black bus drivers get into accident and start fighting

[6] Anti-Semitic, leftwing Pope accuses Israel of genocide (JTF video)

[7] Interviews in English and Hebrew with Israeli podcaster

[8] The REAL TRUTH behind Israel blowing up thousands of Hezbollah pagers (video)

[9] How JTF would rescue the economies of the U.S. and Israel (JTF video)


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