Indians ARE white.
But why did they say they like Mullahs if they agreed with you being against Mullahs?
Indians are Asians, and far from being white, early history suggests that, but they are so mixed now not even DNA can make them white. Oh I define Race soley on DNA. And there are complete genetic markers proving this, hence my username in other forum as the 7 daughters of eve.
Because mullahs hate jews it was that simple for them.
Because you got to remember not all White Nationalist are Neo Nazi's, there are many different type of White Nationalists, or to use Eagleyes phrasing Race Culturalist.
Many WN's are there not for the anti jew is soley there cause they don't like blacks or muslims or asians. Or any non white.
Like StørmFrønt there massive amounts of Jewish members there. Why because simply because of that reason 9 times out of 10 a WN is a separatist.
For those who don't really understand what that means its they just want cultures to stand alone from each other. Blacks with blacks , whites with whites, jews with jews. Are we understanding this better now.
Other WN's like your Neo Nazi and KKK are different, they are your trolls you get here.
I was reading posts from that Fight dem back forum, geez they are more racists than any forum I have read. And they are meant to be fighting that.
Why simply because they have no true understanding of the issues.
Fighting against a group that has wronged you is all well and good, but you need to be focused and understand that every action has a reaction. They simply have lost sight of the goals they had.
I find it interesting how each side has dogmatic views.
I love following the path of human behaviour, the question of why and what drives a person to be who they are. Its not question on if they are insane more of why they are.
You want to have a guess what my other Uni degree is