Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
croatian nazis ridiculing JTF
Like the parasitical leeches that they are, the croatian nazis have gotten a hold of JTF videos and are planning to "counter" with their own. Here is one they've already done:
Lol they say its illegal to "take over a country" then play a clip where Chaim says "we can become the elected government of Israel" since when is it illegal to win an election
Morons :::D
--- Quote ---Lol they say its illegal to "take over a country" then play a clip where Chaim says "we can become the elected government of Israel" since when is it illegal to win an election
--- End quote ---
lol, exactly, I only wish the rest of our enemies were this stupid.
Dr. Dan:
hehehe, they dont' know how to spell!
The fact that arseholes are now making videos bashing JTF means that we are doing something right. The videos reach a lot of people and the movement has grown big enough that they see us as a threat to them and decided to take us on. There are some very gifted people here on this forum who can make counter videos. We must prepare for war and go to battle if we are to be taken seriously as an organization. We do not want to be classified as 'all talk no action', now do we?
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