Shalom all.... The pure purpose for "Same Sex Marriage", this catering to the homos and abortion is both political and social. I advocate that all JTF Members and anyone reading this go down to your nearest used book store and pick up a copy of Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto". This abomination and total sin is being pushed as a "Right to Choose" or a "Freedom of Choice" etc. to the ignorant liberal followers. In actual fact it is a result of the elite pushing the Marxist agenda onto the benighted as something that they propagate as "good". This topic directly relates to Marxism in that it furthers many specific pillars/goals Marxism must accomplish to their "ends justifies the means". You will see that each specific goal as identified by Marx's "Manifesto" have both political and social ends. The specific socio-political goals of Marxism: Socialism: Communsim as professed in his work are:
1. Abolition of private property
2. Abolition of Countries, Nations and States
3. Dissolving of individuality and culture
4. Abolition of the Family Unit (advocating public/private communal prostitution (wives))
5. Abolition of basic freedoms
6. Abolition of eternal truths
7. Abolition of religion
8. Abolition of morality
9. Continually changing “Justice” to meet the society
10. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes
11. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
12. Abolition of right of inheritance
13. Confiscation of all property of all emigrants and rebels.
14. Centralized credit in hands of State (Federal Reserve/Central Banking System)
15. Centralization of communication and transportation in hands of State
16. Extension of factories and instruments of production in hands of the State.
17. Cultivation of waste land and re distribution of populations.
18. Equal liability of all labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
19. Gradual abolishment of distinction between town and country.
20. Free public education for all children in public schools
Now from this list you can see where the advocation of Same Sex Marriage, Homosexuality and Abortion directly relate to sections: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,20 either directly or indirectly. The basic goal of this Socialistic garbage is to Abolish Family, Morality, Culture, Truths, Freedoms and the Nation State to have a NEW WORLD ORDER by the Prolitariate. Some works I strongly agree with are: "To Eliminate the Opiate" - Rabbi Marvin Antelman, "The Rainbow Swastika" - Hanah Newman and "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. Kahane was right in his book "Why Be Jew" and "Never Again".....Judaism is not Liberalism, Socialism, Communism etc... I hope this helped the discussion board and welcome all responses... Zei gezunt une shtark! Marzutra