Aryan was originally a term referring to languages, and not to Peoples. Now everyone prefer to say Indoeuropean. (to avoid using the same word as the Nazis).
Some anthroplogists had suggested that, since Aryan languages are similar and related, they must have a common origen, and so there might have been an Aryan nation somewhere in the far past.
According to this, the people who speak an Indoeropean language might have Aryan ancestors. Nobody has proved Aryans ever existed.
Nazis considered Germans to be Aryan, since German language is, but remember that Nazis said that not all Aryans were perfect, but only the Nordics, and Germans are not Nordic!!! They were based on evolution theory, and so no wonder that they would have thought to erradicate Germans as well, after a time. It is said that Hitler, ysh"w, said that ALL nations would disappear in future and Nazism would lead to a world controlled by a perfected race from the best Aryans among different countries.