Once a women experiences what its like to be promiscuous, can she truly change her state of mind?
Why would she have been so in the first place if she had not thought it was ok?
Somen women change, some don't.
Yes they can Sarah, I have seen many promiscuous women settle down to one man, and raise families and be good people.
I really depends on why they are like that. Some because they need to feel wanted even for a short time, others because they want the world and everything that goes along with it.
And some are seen as promiscuous when they are really not.
To jump and label a woman without knowing who they really are is a sin as much as anything else. To judge one without all the facts is plain wrong, and never wise.
To assume a state without an informed choice is showing the base level of the person as one of very low brain activity. 
Or as I like to use the label ATAPS ( as thick as pig shite)
Now I understand: promiscuous women have their reasons to be sluts!
How didn’t I get it before?!?! This should have been so obvious to me!
The Infidel is right – according to her religion it is a sin to judge such women.
Well, in my religion, it is sin to marry such serpents.
Unfortunately, I have a rich experience of running into such “innocent sinners”, who claimed to have made a mistake and swore of repenting. But as soon as they saw a slightest sign of understanding and forgiveness, they would little by little find justifications to their evil behavior and little by little try to prove you that you are wrong in judging her, and that your morals are wrong and not hers.
And thus, if you have self-respect, honor, and morals, don’t buy this crap!