Israel > Save Israel

What happened Israel?

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I believe that the recent changes in Israel are much more sinister in origin; being that the remaining first generation of Israeli politcal figures has quite literally been bribed and / or blackmailed by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the U.S. State Department.
Why would this have taken place; the United States (former friend, ally, and benefactor) doing a complete "about face" and reducing the Jewish State to the status of a banana republic dictatorship?
Simple....the United States has no friends; only "interests".  In the last 25 years of completely un-Constitutional Government, the greatest creditor nation in the history of the world, rather than adapt sound economic and social policies as mandated by the Constitution, instead chose to continue a mindless welfare state spending spree combined with "wars for profit" policy at the expense of her own sovereignty; through the selling of the U.S. "out of control" debt level to our very enemies...namely the Saudis, UAE, and the Communist Chinese.
The completely broke U.S., combined with top to bottom social disintegration resulting from "political correctness" and "affirmative action" race quotas, is so completely bankrupt as to have willingly chosen to dismantle the most powerful industrial machine ever seen on earth, reduce the entire middle class and working class to third world serfdom living standards, and invest all of its available resources in Communist Chinese slave labor cheap "knock-off" merchandise.
The willful failure to eliminate U.S. dependance on foreign oil and the deliberate obstruction of any and all attempts to interfere with obscene oil company profits, has now placed the U.S. in the most precarious position since the Great Depression.
Result:  China & the House Of Saud are now "calling the shots" over U.S. foreign policy regarding Israel & Islam; the goal being the complete elimination of the Jewish presence from the Middle East to appease the Arabs and secure the oil supply.  The "Peace Process--"Roadmap To Peace" is the reuse under which diplomacy is to be used to weaken Israel until she simply collapses.
Today, the entire Government of Israel is comparable to the Norwegian Government of Quisling during WWII.  It no longer matters what the people desire or how they vote, only the puppets who owe their lives and money literally to the power players in the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, & their minions are to govern the Jews....any variance from U.S. dictates will result in the end of their careers and possibly the end of their lives.  Ever wonder how Shimon Peres & the other Bolshevik anti-Jews are consistently at the top of the power heap?...even when Sharon won the greatest popular landslide election in Israeli history on his platform of "no compromise with terror"?


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