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Which lion do you prefer?

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The thread about cats and illegal aliens on Immigration Crisis gave me this idea. JTF has always expressed love for real animals because they are G-d's creation. I think we should honor them.

Judging by looks alone, which is nicer?

Lion The Lion


Lion The Elephant? 

Christian Zionist:
The first (real) lion looks nicer obviously!

The real lion gratifies its appetite by killing one or a few other animals at a time.  The elephant lion gratifies her appetite by intellectually killing millions of readers.

The real lion does not abort nor a lesbian.  The elephant lion is capable of (or already doing both ;D) doing both.

The real lion does not lie but the elephant lion is a pathalogical liar and a dishonest person.

We should do something useful with that fat elephant, and feed her to the real lions.  Since she has obviously over-enjoyed food in this life I think it's only fair other creatures should enjoy eating her.   ;D


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on October 26, 2006, 12:23:10 AM ---What makes you think lions would want to eat her? I mean would you eat her if she was a cow (Cow is by the way one of the names she has been called.)?

Besides, JTF calls for healthy eating. It wouldn't be healthy to eat a ton of fat like that. Since JTF likes real animals, we should only give them healthy food.

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She'd be like the prophet Daniel, spending all night in the lion's den but they wouldn't touch her.   :D


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on October 26, 2006, 12:40:25 AM ---But isn't that insulting to Daniel?

--- End quote ---

You're one step ahead of me again! :D  I suppose she's more like Jezebel, in which case the dogs will eat her! 


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