Well, there you have it. Apparently my culture is similar to Arabs. I guess Greeks must look like Arabs as well. Since most, if not all, people on this forum probably hate Arabs, I wouldn't want to make you all uncomfortable by subjecting you to my Arab-like culture and presence.
HiWarp, I think you are overreacting. If forum members point out that many Greeks act like jerks and are anti-Semitic, why would you take that as an attack unless you embody those principles? I am Mexican American, and we here on this forum often criticize wetbacks and other Hispanic dogs and cats, and I don't mind, because the things said are true.
Rather than looking for reasons to be insulted, why don't you either agree with the fact that some of your countrymen are of low character, or refute these claims being made of them?

I do not need to agree or refute anything. The fact that there are always going to be a number of people of all cultures that act like jerks neither needs to be agreed with nor disputed because it is a statement of fact based on common sense.
I took exception to having Greek culture compared to Arab culture. IMO, similarities between the two cultures amount to certain elements that remain from the Ottoman occupation, which, by the way, disgust me when I see them referred to as Greek.
It's actually ironic because this is the primary reason I despise the Islamic takeover attempt of the west today. Historically, Greek culture flourished until the Ottoman conquest. It then remained stagnant for over 400 years, followed by another 150 or so years before the country began to stabilize. This is what the west can expect today, if they continue handing their countries over to Muslims, whether by conquest or immigration.