General Category > General Discussion
El Cabong!:
Their e-mail should be verified as coming from a lgitimate isp and not one from yahoo, hotmail, or the other easily gotten e-mail addresses one can acquire without paying for it.
From now on, no new members can post without having their e-mail address verified.
El Cabong!:
You don't understand my point. Anyone that has been banned can get these e-mails for free. They're easy to get and you can get countless e-mails from yahoo, hotmail, etc.. without paying for them and they can keep on registering them here to get on and harass. New members should be required to use their e-mail address from their own isp they pay for thereby stopping them from fraudulently re-applying for membership after being banned. It's a simple rule that most legitimate forums use to stop this type of harassment by idiots who abuse free e-mails to continually re-register after being banned. Ask any experienced forum moderators from other forums and you will see this is a step in the right direction and not at all discrimination.
I Resemble that Remark ! :'(
fake plastic trees:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on October 29, 2006, 09:27:07 PM ---We will not tolerate discrimination
--- End quote ---
except for against gays and muslims ;D
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