General Category > General Discussion
Mr. Rogers sits before the Senate
I enjoyed reading your post on Mr. Rogers quite a bit Yacov. Its to bad that institutions like Mr. Rogers cant go on forever. Children's shows have become progressively worse as the years go by.Some of them are actually indoctrinating children with things if parents took the time to scrutinize would not care for. The level of political correctness aimed at children is mindboggling. The liberal left is employing a tactic on the American people that big companies use all the time when negotiating labor contracts . They pick away at an issue they want to change a tiny bit at a time over the course of years. The rank and file feel its only an inconsequential change and over look it. The next time its something else and then before long they get what they were after and the victims of the ruse wonder what happened. Simply put the liberal left is pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people and they have picked a spot where they can get the best results children. Did you ever watch an episode of Dora The Explorer they teach spanish and your child can learn to speak english with a spanish accent. Honestly that one is the least of the evils others are far worse. People need to wake up because the party is almost over and soon the very people we are trying to protect will look at us as the enemy.
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