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Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« on: September 03, 2006, 08:27:15 PM »

Thank you for anwering my questions about your family. What's your sister's name? How old is she? What's her husband's first name in English and Hebrew, how old is he, and what is their last name? How many kids do they have and how old are their kids? What are their English and Hebrew names?

How did your mom's family end up here if others ended up in Israel?

How did your father have the English name Paul if he was from Poland? Have you considered pressing charges against the affirmative action doctors you said are responisible for his death? Did he have heart problems? My maternal grandfather (Murray/Menachem Mendel) died when he was almost 91 in the hospital a few weeks after he had a heart attack. He got sick from the catheterization procedure. I noticed that some of the nurses that kept coming to his room were black men with tattoos. Do you think these types of nurses are unqualified? My grandfather was thin so maybe that is why he lived to be 90. He was so thin that if you touched his arms, you could feel his bones.

Since I asked you about your family, I will tell you about mine. I'm 24 years old and will be 25 on December 6 (The Hebrew date is 10 Kislev.). I have one sister and no brothers. My sister's name is Nina and her Hebrew name is Sima Tfacha (Apple in Iraqi, after the name of my great grandmother who I told you had blonde hair and blue eyes.). She is 21 years old and will be 22 on October 31 (I believe the Hebrew date is 5 Cheshvan.).  My mom's name is Judi and her Hebrew name is Esther Chana. They don't agree with me on my political opinions or with JTF's opinions. My dad's only name is Rachamim and he is named after his paternal grandfather (Tfacha's husband.). My parents are divorced.

The following are my other questions that weren't answerd on the last show.

Why did you once say Arabs used to be more advanced than Europe before they were Muslims and became dumb because of The Koran? I know that Muslims and Jews in The Middle East were more advanced than Europeans in The Dark Age but that was already after the start of Islam. How then do you explain your above statement?

Another error that you make that is common among many people is that you say Jonathan Pollard gave Israel the information to bomb the Iraqi Arab Muslim Nazi nuclear reactor. My mom knows Esther Pollard personally since The 1970's and Esther told me at a Pollard rally in Jerusalem in 2003 that Jonathan was a spy only starting in 1983 (The bombing was in 1981.) and she said what you said is a mistake that is common. He did however provide Israel with information about Iraq's chemical weapons which led Israel to prepare gas masks and sealed rooms for Gulf War I. Regardless of whether or not Pollard gave the information to bomb Iraq, he is an American, Israeli, and Jewish hero. Any American who betrays him is a traitor to America.

Also, it doesn't make sense that sometimes you say Yimak Shemo instead of Yimach Shemo.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 10:03:47 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 06:07:10 PM »
Hi Chaim:

What do you decide what to discuss each week on your shows.  What matters most for you on your shows?

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 05:51:13 PM »

I have two questions about Israel:

(1) What do you think of the demographics in Israel?  The Arab citizens have a very high birth rate (to quote Chaim Ben Pesach, "they breed like cockroaches"), while the Ashkenazi Jews have a low birth rate.  I realize the Sephardim balance this somewhat, but it still seems to me that over the next several generations the Jews may become a minority in their own country.  I think this also highlights the devastating effects of abortion in Israel.  What is your prediction?

(2) Do you agree that the land of Israel is from "the Nile to the Euphrates"?  If so, does this mean that Israel will need to mount a military campaign in the future to recapture land?  This is potentially a wide-ranging conflict and would, for example, bring Israel into war with Iraq, which is apparently going to be an American ally.  Could you explain these scenarios for us a little bit?

God bless!


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2006, 09:53:24 AM »
Dear Chaim,

     Hello Chaim, my name is Tony. First of all I'd like to say that I started watching your show on QPTV in the 90s back when I still lived in Queens. I currently reside in Florida where I'm able to listen to your shows on the internet. I left NY when I joined the Marines almost 8 years ago. I'm a combat veteran of the ongoing war.  My mother's family came from Spain and Hungary originally and were Jews who left Europe during WW2 and went to Colombia in South America.  Because of anti-semitism there too, they were forced to assimilate and change thier last names but my mother still retains some Jewishness that mainly my Grandparents taught her at home. But at least they were living in a place where they would not be murdered. My dad is from Galicia, Spain where they actually speak a language called Gael, not the Castillian Spanish language. Gaels are related to the other tribes of Celts from people that span from Ireland and Scotland down to northern France and Northern Spain so he is a Gentile. I would also like to say that although both my parents are immigrants and by the definition of most ignorant people I've sometimes unfortunatly been lumped into the same category as Mexicans and other cucarachas because of my last name growing up in New York or anywhere in America for that matter. However my family have always taught me to have 'white pride' and have always told me we weren't the same as the Indians and Blacks of Latin America. Not just that but both of them being immigrants to America in the 70s, they came legally, we've never been on welfare, my parents always worked hard and smart. My dad started off as a mechanic for a big Italian Construction Crane company in New York and would come home in the evenings to work as the superintendant in the building on Northern Blvd where we lived that he ended up buying from this other 'Colombian Jew' who was good friends with my mother. With that he was able to buy more property and we moved to Rosedale in Queens in the 80s. At that time Rosedale was a beautiful neighborhood where there were many Italians, Irish and Jewish families. I remember it very fondly however by the late 90s it became another Jamaica or Hollis Queens. I left when I joined the Marines and my father to this day makes money from properties in Florida and my mother and him both are retired and living well there. My point is that you are right when you say that it is not a matter of surnames or skin or eye color but one of culture. My family has Western Judeo/Christian values and are Americans patriots. They are citizens and they speak perfect english. They didn't come here asking everyone to speak spanish to them. They always tried to protect me from being sucked into the NYC street culture. They are sucessful today and I am also holding my own independantly and going to school at the same time. I currently have a BA in political science from Queens College, a horrible left wing commie school in Flusing by the way....but we can talk about that later! I'm also working on an Associates now in Broadcasting and hope to have a political talk show one day, Baruch Hashem, in which case I would love to have you on my show. Eventually I want to get into Criminal Justice with a Masters. The point is that the system in America may not be perfect but it works if you do the right things and are a good person and not a hateful person and are a patriot. I'm married to a woman from a small town in Kansas that I met while I was in the military and you can imagine a guy like me from Queens going there to meet her family. It was a culture shock of the good kind. I lived in Kansas and worked at a Marine Corps Unit in Missouri for more than 2 years. I love the people in the mid-west and those small Redneck towns and you know what, they all treated me like Gold. It was like back in the days in Rosedale only more cows and trucks.

     Ok I'm sorry this went on so long, but it's my first time asking you a question and I wanted to introduce myself. My actual question is this as follows: Why do they call Jews from Spain, Sephardic? I hear you say that the Sephardic Jews are Jews from countries that are Arab or non-European. As far as I know Spain is part of Europe and are racially caucasians. I should see me or my brothers or my mom or dad! My mom a Jewish lady with Spanish roots and has red hair and green eyes. My dad is a Galician Celt. Spanish people are White? So why are Jews from Spain Sephardic and not Ashkenazim? Is it because the Jews that are in Spain originally came from some Arab Country like in Northern Africa? Incedentaly the original inhabitants of North Africa, the Berbers who are not Arabs are actually considered Caucasians themselves and are even related to the Celts.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 09:55:22 AM by tony6d2 »

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2006, 01:54:37 PM »
Dear Chaim,

Hello and thank you as always for your views which I think are very well argued and very well informed. 

My question today is about the transfer of populations.  I understand that a key policy of the Kahanist movement is to transfer all the Arabs from the land of Israel to the (many) other Arab countries.  I note that this is under the doctrine of ‘Amalek’ and that a population transfer is something practical that the Kahanists will settle for instead of putting an end to the persecutors once and for all.

I know little about the doctrine of ‘Amalek’ but from a practical point of view, I consider that transfer of populations makes perfect sense.  For example:

1)    In the 1920’s nearly all the Greeks had to leave Turkey and nearly all the Turks had to leave Greece.  These two nations have always hated each other.  However they have never gone to war since the mutual transfer.  Before the transfer there had been regular atrocities by both nations, maybe because they were living in each others’ faces and chafing against each other.

2)    In the 1940’s many Muslims had to leave India and many Hindus had to leave Pakistan.  Again, these two groups have apparently always hated each other.  Of course, India and Pakistan have gone to war sometimes, but these have always been limited border wars with relatively few deaths.  It seems reasonable to guess that if hundreds of millions of Muslims and Hindus had to live together in the one country, hundreds of millions of both groups would have been massacred.

(By the way, when the Muslims conquered and colonised India, they knocked down the Hindus’ holiest temple which was at Ayodhya (I can’t pronounce it) and made it into a mosque.  About ten years ago, the Hindus tried to take that temple back and that sent the Muslim world into uproar.  Do you notice a pattern here, Chaim?  I refer to the site of the holy Temple in Jerusalem – it seems the Muslims built the al-Aqsa mosque over it to ‘stick it’ to the Jews and to show who was top dog. 

Muslims justify this by referring to Muhammad’s sermon about the night he fell asleep, was woken up by a magic monster called ‘Burak’, flew the monster to Jerusalem and flew it back to Mecca all in the one night, without anybody else seeing this happen.  Muslims say that the aforesaid magic monster had the face of a woman, the body of a donkey and the tail of a peacock – and they will kill you if you laugh at this (!)

By coincidence, I recently dreamt that a ‘Star Wars’ character, Chewbacca the Wookie, flew me to Mecca and told me to build a sewage treatment plant on the site of the Grand Mosque there (!).  He also told me that I could kill any Muslim who protested about this.  I guess this gives me the right to walk in there and knock down their holiest shrine, does it not?)

Sorry to have strayed off the point, but the main point I make is that the Kahanists’ plan of transferring the Arabs from Israel seems to make perfect sense, not only for the Jewish people but also even for the Arabs.

I would be obliged for your comments. 

Regards and thanks again from Noahide.

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 06:31:47 PM »
Shalom Chaim and thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

I know that you have said Israel should not become a superpower because it would take away the Providential awe that occurs when Israel succeeds. However doesn't Israel becoming a superpower in itself a divine miracle. You yourself have said that G-d only helps those who help themselves, and in todays world to paraphrase Ronald Reagan "if your not #1 your nobody". Israel by not becoming a superpower prevents itself from becoming truly independent and a true Jewish state. As long as their are more powerful states out their they will undermine Jewish sovereignty, and threaten Jewish survival.  Instead Israel needs to become an economic power like Japan, but have the military strength of the USA. Or to put it phrase it better Israel needs to have the intelligence of Athens and the brawn of Sparta.  Without those 2 factors Israel will never be able to expand to Biblical borders and secure itself. I am not advocating Israel become a global cop like the U.S., but instead builds a fortress Israel that is able to be economically independent from the rest of the world and defeat any foe that may arise. This can only happen if Israel becomes the global hegemon that outdoes everyone else.

What are your thoughts on this?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 11:29:55 AM by Maimonides »
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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2006, 11:34:41 PM »
When the Kahanists take power (G-d Willing), what will be the fate of Israel's Arab citizens?

Would they be forced to leave? What if they are willing to live peacefully, even without the same rights as Jews?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 11:42:33 PM by Jewdude »


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2006, 09:54:43 AM »
Shalom Chaim,
as to your comment from last time.
well, basically you are right,
I guess most Israelis don't know Ebonics  ;D

but I'm not "most Israelis",
as I may have mentioned,
I grew up in both the states and in Israel.
I even come for visits in the states once a year or 2.
so.. I'm kind of half and half, half Israeli half American,
but speak and feel Israeli much more than American.

by the way, Israel in our days is very in tuned
to American culture, we get Leno and Letterman,
and all of the latest shows US television has to offer,
our teens are saturated in hip-hop culture,
and simply love this dumb hiphop music produced
by child rapers like R.Kelly, it's really sad
but the Israeli youth is more aware
of American culture than one might assume.

anyway, thank you for last week's show
I translated and posted your answer to our Hebrew forum,
about the marzel rumor. thank you for that.

today I'm gonna make it even shorter.
so my questions for today are,

Who would you recommend JTF'ers to vote for president in 2008 and why?

Can your show be seen all around NY, or just new York city, and what about new Jersey?

thank you,
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 10:08:04 AM by OZ77 »

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2006, 09:58:44 AM »
Erev tov lachem/tzaeraim tov– mazinim umazinot. Chaim – I hope you are well…
 I am envious of vast and extensive Torah knowledge –I find it difficult to learn and understand Torah — as I do not understand the translation of ‘Gemara’, ‘Mishna’, ‘Chumash’ etc.  The ‘ArtScroll’ and similar translations cost a lot of money, in addition I do not have such ‘Cheishak’ to learn. So do you have any ideas to help me learn and then be able to answer even 5% of the way you know how to relating to Zionism, the Beit HaMikdash and similarly related Torah Halachic topics.
     Have a Shavua Tov — and please keep up the great work – you are needed every second and minute of the day and I hope philanthropic people will open generously their wallets to the outstanding good cause of JTF. Shalom, Shalom.

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2006, 12:30:12 PM »
Do you plan to publicly speak any time soon, and if so can you keep the forum informed?  I'm sure many of us here would love to show our support of you and JTF.  And with Rabbi Kahane memorials coming up, are there any other events worth attending, like the one in Brooklyn posted in the EVENTS thread?

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2006, 12:39:41 PM »
Hello Chaim,

My question is to you is, what you think of having Christians that come from the Mid East who their lives were just devastated  from the Muslim vultures in the movement?  As you know the near genocide to the Coptics in Egypt and a full slaughter with Christians in Lebanon as well.  They too have lived throught he worst atrocities those that did live through it through the Muslim invading these countries.   Like I am a huge supporter of Bridgette Gabriel if you ever get a chance to hear her or read about her I fully recommend it.  She and many other Christians from the Mid East is extremely vital for our cause don't you think? 

If you ever want to read up on Bridgette's website and her contribution here is her website.

Thank you for your time as always.


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2006, 03:36:09 PM »
Shalom Chaim!
My layman's study of Torah has presented me with several most perplexing questions, and I always ask those more knowledgeable than myself to discuss these particular passages.
Regarding the Torah narrative detailing the passage of the Children Of Israel through the wilderness, in which they were bitten by poisonous vipers:
Moshe asked for guidance from Ha'Shem, and was thereby instructed to construct a brass replica of a serpent and lift it up on a pole so that by gazing on it, the Children Of Israel would be immune from the vipers' venomous bite.
This same identical brass serpent is mentioned much later on in scripture as one of the relics stored in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Ha'Shem's order to Moshe to construct a "statue" of an animal seems "out of synch" with the Mitzvah prohibiting graven images or worship of idols.
What can we in JTF learn from this story?...and is it pertinent to our current struggle?
Sincere regards,

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« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2006, 04:38:48 PM »
Shalom Chaim!
My layman's study of Torah has presented me with several most perplexing questions, and I always ask those more knowledgeable than myself to discuss these particular passages.
Regarding the Torah narrative detailing the passage of the Children Of Israel through the wilderness, in which they were bitten by poisonous vipers:
Moshe asked for guidance from Ha'Shem, and was thereby instructed to construct a brass replica of a serpent and lift it up on a pole so that by gazing on it, the Children Of Israel would be immune from the vipers' venomous bite.
This same identical brass serpent is mentioned much later on in scripture as one of the relics stored in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Ha'Shem's order to Moshe to construct a "statue" of an animal seems "out of synch" with the Mitzvah prohibiting graven images or worship of idols.
What can we in JTF learn from this story?...and is it pertinent to our current struggle?
Sincere regards,

Good question.  The answer is that in Judaism we have a concept of "Horah Sho'ah" which means that a prophet or G-d may temporarily bypass any commandment written in the Torah at a time of imminent need; except for the ban on worshipping idols or worshipping other gods. The snake did not violate the prohibition of worshipping idols; for it's purpose was for the people to see it and repent to G-d (since it remined them of the power of G-d in that he sent the snake as a punishment).  It did violate the prohibition for creating graven images though. G-d chose to temporarily bypass the ban on making graven images this one time due to the impending need for Israel to repent.  Also, Elijah the prophet temporarily bypassed the prohibition on offering sacrifices outside the temple and offered a sacrifice on Mount Carmel in his challange to the worshippers of Baal to show Israel that Baal was a false G-d and the only true G-d was the Lord of Israel.

Jdl4ever apploigizes to Chaim for being evil and accusing him on the jtf forum for not being sincere about moving to Israel.   :'( Chaim, you are a tremendous Tzaddik of our time and I admire you a lot.  The tremendous self sacrifice that you suffered for freeing Soviet jewry is unbelievable.  I yearn to reach a quarter the hollyness that you reached. Most jews are all into learning but you are all about action and action is what counts!  I don't want to have such a powerful tzaddik hate me since tzaddikum have tremendous power in heaven.  Although I disagree with you on some issues and am more of a Yukutiel person, I still stop by once in a while to hear you speak and I do support you. 

The accusation that you accused me of going on many sites and slandering you is not correct.   I only made this accusation on the old forum and I wanted you or the moderators to answer it but they did not respond (why????) so I repeated it a few times on the old JTF forum since I wanted a response to discount it. I am ONLY a member of one other forum (, and I searched all my posts to find if I slandered you there, but I did not find anything nor do I remember doing it on that forum.  If I did post something, I probably deleted it shortly afterwards since I thought it was important to post any comments on your forum first and to hear what you have to say.  You are correct that I subconsciously directed my decision to stay in America onto yourself.  (You got a little too angry ... who is a little anonymous forum poster to make you so upset?)

I am glad that you answered my questions and will post more in the future.  I agree with your analysis of blacks living in America.  The Rubin thing is that he did a lot of good work running the JDL but did a very bad thing slandering Polard (which he appoligized publically for but it can't be undone), so it is the policy of myself to judge all jews favorably and to concentrate on the good things  that he has done since you don't know his background (maybee he was a Bal T'shuva & was not as learned as you are in Torah) and only G-d can judge him.  Also, since the JDL under him was concerned only with protecting Jews in America, I don't care what stupid remarks he or his family said about Israel since it is not their department nor does it have any impact.  I know you disagree, and disagreement is fine.  I would not call him a Tzaddik bec. I don't know enough about him, but neither will I publically call him an evil person like you did (also the FBI probably killed him since his death was suspicious in there being no camera footage in the prison). 

Anyways, I wish you all the best.  -jdl4ever
« Last Edit: October 25, 2006, 09:21:30 PM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2006, 07:36:17 PM »

In his book, "My Life," (a.k.a My Lie) that demon Clinton reflects on the 1998 Wye River Accords, in which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was told Pollard would be released as part of a deal that would also free 750 arab terrorists from Israeli prisons.

Clinton says Netanyahu brought up the Pollard issue at the last minute, and that he had to renege on the release after CIA Director George Tenet threatened to resign if Pollard's sentence was commuted. But Pollard, relying on personal reports he says he received from the Israeli team at Wye including Netanyahu and former Cabinet Secretary Dan Naveh, as well as public on–record statements of key participants, maintains his release was promised by Clinton as an integral part of the Wye Accords. Speaking to the Knesset in 2001, Naveh stated that Bill Clinton made an explicit commitment to Netanyahu, to release Jonathan Pollard. Malcolm Hoenline, executive vice-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations said that he received a phone call from Tenet immediately after the Wye Summit, in which Tenet denied that he had ever threatened to resign if Pollard were freed.

Now my question is:  I remember reading in one of the previous JTF website articles Bibi was criticized for not doing enough to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard.  Now in the light of the new revelations from Pollard and Tenant do you still want to hold Bibi accountable?  It seems Bibi was taken by surprise which he could not have anticipated in advance! In other words do you think Bibi could have done more to secure Pollard's release?

Also I would like to hear your comments about Boris Shusteff's article in Arutz Sheva on 01/23/2006:
 Boris wrote the following in Arutz Sheva:
"When we blame Bibi for abandoning Hebron, we keep forgetting that in essence he did not change much of the reality on the ground. He did not give to the Arabs the part of the city inhabited by Jews. He simply withdrew the Israeli army from the Arab-populated part of the city. As he said: "In effect, what I was doing was giving up the Arab part of this city and ensuring that we retain nearly all of Judea and Samaria. The point about "nearly all of Judea and Samaria" is extremely important. "

Toda Raba!

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« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 07:54:58 PM by christianzionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2006, 10:34:35 PM »
Dear C.

You rightly criticize and assail the degenerate "black culture" but what in G-ds name has gotten into white America lately?

I am sure you are aware of the recent spate of senseless shootings in schools. Particularly gruesome was the murder of 5 little Amish girls in Pennsylvania.

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2006, 10:37:10 PM »
The constitution of the US -which I believe you have praised as a brilliant document in the past- guarantees a separation of Church and state. Now if America were to follow your plan , namely that America should be run according to Biblical values wouldn't that violate the Constitution. Futhermore do you believe in the rights of Citizenship and voting for all? (the 14th and 15th amendment respectively).


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2006, 12:10:11 PM »
Dear Chaim:

I've heard that Rabbi Kahane's brother speaks very similarly to the Great Rabbi.  What is your opinion of him?

Also, what about Rabbi Kahane's grandchildren?  Is there any sign that they might posess the spark of greatness that their grandfather had?


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2006, 07:25:50 PM »
Shalom Chaim and David.  Would it be possible to have your Queens shows or even your audio shows for JTF and Take Back America taped and posted on YouTube?  L'hiterot Marzutra
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2006, 01:09:55 AM »
hi Chaim,
thank you for answering my previous question. i was very surprized when last week you told us that you are not married. why don't you marry a jewish woman who holds an israeli citizenship? even if she is not a citizen she can get israeli passport because she is jewish and than you can get to israel as a spouse of an israeli citizen.  even if this plan fails you will still end up married and will have many children.

Yacov Menashe adds: If it were only that simple. Don't all normal Jewish men wish they had a wife? I'm also single.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2006, 01:16:12 AM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2006, 01:46:16 AM »
Hi Chaim,

As you well know, the U.N. is a complete farce and disgrace.  However, I'd be interested in your opinion of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton.   


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2006, 04:33:34 AM »
Hi Chaim!  ;D

In a previous reply you seemed to praise "altruism" or what many call "the Judeo-Christian ethic." But I might respectfully disagree. Despite being a fan of yours for almost 20 years (going back to Channel J in Manhattan) I tend to think that our main job in life is to make OURSELF happy, and not our fellow man. Our fellow man deserves compassion, support, non-aggression, empathy, etc. but his happiness seems to be Job #2 whereas making YOURSELF happy is Job #1 in my view. After all -- each person is an expert on himself and highly motivated thereof. Also: Aristolte says “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence,” which I take to mean INDIVIDUAL happiness. Please comment, and many thanks.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2006, 04:35:05 AM by Zan »
Classical liberalism is the future!

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2006, 08:11:08 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I LOVE your "Ask JTF" shows, and I really appreciate you doing them. 

I have some religious questions for you.  Now I'm Jewish and I know that Jews are not supposed to work on the Sabbath.  But with all due respect, I don't understand why that would mean you are not allowed to push a baby stroller or carry an umbrella when you're walking to the synagogue and it's raining outside.  Wouldn't it be more work to carry your small children?  Now granted, many citizens and towns have Eruvs put up so that Jews can do what they do at home when they go out.  But in my experience, that never ever mattered to the people running the Orthodox Synagogue my parents used to belong to.  Women were not allowed to carry even small purses, and the strollers were all left by the door.    And mind you, there was an Eruv around the town/synagogue. 

Speaking of Orthodox synagogues, why is the use of a microphone prohibited, where as the room has electricity and heat and lighting? 

On another note what do you think of the fact that some Jews who observe Yom Kippur and fast will set their VCR's to automatically turn on and off during that night and following day for specific TV shows and movies?  To me, it seems kind of hypocritical because you ARE still watching television or seeing a movie, and being entertained, like you would do any other day of the year.  The only thing is, you didn't press a few buttons.  And isn't the whole point of Yom Kippur to NOT be entertained that day? 

I hope you don't find my questions disrespectful.  I'm just trying to understand the logic of it all.

Thank you for your time, and kind regards,


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2006, 07:06:48 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Why do you consider Martin Lucifer King to be an anti-Semite? I know he was evil and a complete fraud, but he worked with self-hating Jews. And his writings reveal no antagonism toward Jews. What basis do you have for your belief?

Also, what razor blades are permissible to use to shave?

Yacov Menashe adds: I asked this question earlier on in the thread but I don't know if you will skip it or not so I will re-paste it below since it is related to Yirmiyahu's post.

Why does JTF consider Martin Luther King to be a Jew hater? Arutz 7 used to have a commercial on that said he was a Zionist and said "Anti-Zionism is discrimination against The Jews my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is Anti-Semitism.". He may have been a Commie but I don't believe he was a Jew hater. I don't think he is like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. However, he is far from an Alan Keyes. The black "civil rights" leaders of today are nothing like King and are vicious white haters and Jew haters.

Who did he plagiarize from? Did he mean what he said in his speeches? Were the Pro-Zionist speeches plagiarism? Did he believe in the message of the Pro-Zionist speeches? I was told he really did plagiarize but he truly wrote the Pro-Zionist speeches on his own and was sincere in doing so.

I have also heard that there was an FBI conspiracy led by J. Edgar Hoover, a notorious cross dresser, to have King assassinated and even King's family forgave the convicted assassin and believes he was innocent. Is there any credence to this?

« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 07:31:34 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2006, 05:21:54 AM »
Hello Chaim,

Hope you had a great week and all is well.  Best of luck with the Hebrew forum.  I am glad that you liked some of the ideas I presented last week.  I am pressed for time as you are, but I will try my best to put them in motion as soon as possible and will keep you updated. 

This week I would like to seek your advice out on the best way to find a mate.  I must admit I have had a hard time settling down with a woman.  I am approaching 30 and would like to be open to the idea of marriage, but I have not had any luck.  Sometimes I think I should give up, as I believe I could be perfectly happy being single.  Perhaps I am a bit picky, but G-d forbid I end up with anyone looking like Elephant Calandra.  On a more serious note, almost all the women I have dated are not life partner material.  Obviously I would prefer to meet someone Jewish because I am a proud Jew and am alarmed by the rate of intermarriage.  I would also prefer to carry on the faith if I were to have children.  Yet many of the Jewish women I have dated come from the self hating Jewish families you have often described.  They have very little religious or ethnic pride and know more about black culture or rap than Judaism.  Many of them can't even carry out an intelligent conversation.  I also find it despicable that a lot of them have slutty backgrounds and have slept around with hoards of men including Blacks and G-d knows what else.  Certainly I don't want to generalize all women, as you pointed out to another forum member last week, but I must admit I have become quite cynical.  Any advice you could give in this matter would be appreciated.  Thanks very much, Chaim.  Be well.


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Re: Ask JTF For October 29 Broadcast
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2006, 11:27:46 AM »
Hi Chaim,

What is your opinion of fishing and hunting?

Yacov Menashe injects: Is hunting okay for Noahides?

I realize hunting is at odds with halacha because of kashrut laws, but what about fishing? Can one eat the fish? Where does morality fit into the equation?

« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 07:29:12 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »