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Baruch HaShem, 4 New JTF Videos (11/01)

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Joe Schmo:

--- Quote from: Husar on November 06, 2007, 03:49:44 PM ---EITHER BAN NAZICROATS,


--- End quote ---

More lack of gratitude.


--- Quote from: DALMACIJA on November 06, 2007, 09:09:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: Mstislav on November 06, 2007, 06:56:04 AM ---There is another song from thompson called 'Bojna Cavoglave'. You should do another post on that one.

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they only shout "ZDS" during the song 'Bojna Cavoglave'.
That song is a very beloved song by the Croats.

ZDS = Za dom spremni mean: ready for the homeland. It is the slogan of the Ustasa movement.

ZDS = sieh hail. Same garbage!!!

--- End quote ---

An ustasa song loved by Croats, and they try to convince us that they are not Nazis.  :::D

Once again a great way to expose the truth. O0


--- Quote ---ZDS = Za dom spremni mean: ready for the homeland. It is the slogan of the Ustasa movement.
--- End quote ---

It was also used long before ustasha as well.


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