I'm sure you need lots of help and you probably have endless questions to ask that need to be answered. First of all, I would like to commend you in your recognition of your belonging among the Jewish people. Too many people have Jewish mothers but wander off, become atheists, Christians (even some on this forum), or G-d knows what else. You are obviously a man with tremendous character, to the point of even risking your marriage for the truth of who you really are. That is very respectable, the fact that you want to recognize yourself as Jewish against adversity (losing your wife, living in an area without any Jews, changing your identity) is frankly one of the most amazing stories of a Jewish person I have heard in my entire life. Something tells me that you have a reason to remain Jewish, just in the way you found your mother, and the signs of you not tolerating Catholicism when you rejected Jesus' teachings, it was meant to be. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, there are many people here who would love to help you in your quest to recover your true identity.