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Chaim's response to me on the Jewish Press

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In my opinion it is JTF's weak point. I don't remember the JEwish Press for Rabbi Kahane. I remember the Jewish Press for making it out that Jewish men were beating up their wives. It seems to me to be a tremendous exaggeration. And again you don't hear what the women do to the men. Pulpit Rabbi's are especially are especially naive about this because they are the one profession that they don't work with women. It is an all male profession. Rabbi Kahane was a great man but he isn't g-d. And no one is perfect. I I think the Jewish Press showns no concern for chiildren who are abused or any other abuse other then a middle age or older women. Doesn't that strike you as odd. Maybe Rabbi Kahane should have said something about this. At least going forward JTF needs to realize that mostly vicious feminist and the UN and amnesty International believe that only men commit vioence. That should tell you enough of the fact that these groups want to destroy marriage so they can destroy countries. Not because they care about women. Here is the recent report on the UN and   Anyway here is the latest article about the UN and domestic violence from a site called RADAR respecting accuracy in domestic abuse reporting.

UN Violence Report: Three Strikes and You're OUT!
The United Nations recently released its biased Violence Against Women report. The report is filled with half-truths and distortions about violence against women, and absurdly claims that the root cause of domestic violence is male "patriarchy."

So last week, RADAR issued an Alert and press release that went to 17,000 media contacts. But that was just the warm-up pitch. In honor of the recently-concluded World Series, this week we're fielding our whole ball team.

RADAR and 90 other organizations from 9 countries around the world have formed a coalition to stop this dangerous report. These organizations are based in the United States, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, and New Zealand.

This is what two of these groups are saying about the UN report:

"The UN Report ignores the plight and pain of half of all victims of domestic violence. In effect this report 'sanctions' male victims and ignores the terrorism that fills their lives simply because they are men." — Lee Newman, executive director, SAFE International

"While the UN report purports to be an 'in-depth study,' it ignores the failings of the current system. Many severely-abused victims discover to their surprise that trivial and false claims are consuming the resources that should be going to those most in need." — Terri Lynn Tersak, president and CEO, True Equality Network

The members of this coalition have signed a Resolution Regarding the UN Study on Violence Against Women. The Resolution notes that the UN report "uses misandrous and inflammatory language" to falsely stereotype men, and calls on the UN to "discourage implementation of the recommendations of the Study on Violence Against Women until its effects on families and children are analyzed and understood."

The full Resolution and list of co-signers can be viewed at:


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