Israel > Save Israel

Brigitte Gabriel Debating a Fake "Rabbi"

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Watch her vs this fake Rabbi this is a pig to call himself a rabbi

Michael Lerner is one of the worst self-hating Jews on the planet. He's a deform rabbi who was an anti-vietnam war hippy drug abuser. He also has been caught making racist comments against sephardim. has a great rap sheet on the guy. His magazine Tikkun is extremely left wing and is co-edited by Cornell West, an idiotic black professor.

Gimme one arab woman who supports Israel over a million judenrats like Michael Lerner any day.

Michael Lerner is a real fraud he looks like an animal as well,sorry to insult animals

If such human garbage can be ordained as a rabbi, then anyone can.  I wonder how long the studies take, because I'm seriously considering becoming a rabbi.  Who cares what perversions are taught by deform "yeshivas"---all I want is the official title, because there doesn't seem to be a mechanism in modern Judaism to take the title away (although there definitely should be such a mechanism).  The world needs more Kahanist rabbis!  Imagine how much more credibility and influence Chaim would have had if he were a rabbi.

Chaim should focus on becoming a rabbi, IMO. It would greatly help the cause. His knowledge seems to be second to none and he surely has more knowledge than a deformed freak like Michael Lerner.

Lerner was also the top "jewish" spiritual advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton.  :-X


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