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Big Bang Theory

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You are absolutely correct CZ.  Dawin's 1859 "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" was also, as you state correctly, held as the "true" starting point for Darwinian thought too held as correct by a group of Communistist called "The League of the Just".  This group were the ones behind Marx and Engles in "their" "Communist Manifesto".  Apparently Darwins books, with "The Descent of Man", was only held as the gospel by "intellectuals" and crack pots until Marx and his ilk read its contents then gave it mass publication and propaganda onto the masses as the "evidence" behind Marx's theory of "Dialectal Materialism".  The goal of Leftist thinking is to "eliminate the opiate" via "thesis" and "hypothesis" not fact.

The fact that the chances of the exact distance from the sun, proper gasses and mineral make up allowing for JUST ONE life form is approximately 10 billion to one, the chances of millions of different life forms is about a billion billion to one.  Further, like today, if a person is born mentally retarded with 8 fingers, 5 arms, 2 heads or 3 legs it is seen as an misfit or a deformity not "evolution".  This too is perhaps the same thinking of early peoples whom would probably either kill the deformity for dinner or leave it in a field to die or eaten by animals for being that; a deformity.  If that is not the case, the chances for two like deformities meeting and procreating is almost zero, which is needed via DNA to produce a like outcome or "Branch of Evolution"...  Ok, lets take the middle of the road and say they did find primitive man; Hominid (human like) where are they today?  Are they the blacks?  Are they the dwarf mountain men?  Are they natives of Australia?  Where are they today?  It is known that Hominids had no written language, no culture, no economic, educational or social systems so where are they today?  The fact that Humans, not Hominids, have a limited history too raises questions no?  What invented dinosaurs?  Why, what or perhaps who eliminated them and for what reasons?  There were no Humans when the dinosaurs were alive, where did they come from, a space ship re: The Nation of Islam?  Ahh it is all rubbish.  The only people whom dismiss the possibility of HaShem are the ilk that replaces HaShem with themselves: The University Professor.

In fact I find it questionable, knowing that the left even entertains this rubbish, like everything else they write and say is utter lies, so why believe this?  They invented "The Palestinian People", it is a fact that much of their "findings" from Africa on primative man is too a Hoax and/or so molested via taking bones from here and there to make a "finding".  These poeple, like Chomsky, lie about everything to "prove" their thesis.  Heck Marx never held any meaningful employment and let is family either commit suicide or starve to death and he is held as a role model truly says something no?  Good indications being:  ALL of the top ten books known to be harmful to the world are openly praised by leftist individuals, in every setting from Education to Child Daycare, knowing that the vast majority of information within has been proven false and directed propaganda pumped out for political/social reasons.  A good list of these books is given by Human Events: 

I encourage everyone to read these books considering the knowledge is very good to know when you enter into debate with Marxist or Moslem scum.  The pillars of Marxism is openly advocated in Public Schools, Theosophy and Islam are praised, The "teachings' from the Kinsey Report are promoted daily, Darwin's Evolution, Friedman's "Feminism"....all have been proven detrimantal and total farce but still advocated by the ignorant and intolerant Leftist.   These Howa patachetim (azzoles) have brought down every advanced civilization from within by their "utopian views"....  They should be seen as Amalek by the entire world and dealt with!  Sorry I HATE LIBERALS!!

The world is too synchronized and beautiful for it to be comparable to such an unrealistic theory....


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