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Australian muslim leader = budding black rapper?
--- Quote from: Scriabin on November 06, 2006, 06:13:36 PM ---Absolutely. :)
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I am about to post a new thread (G-d willing) about some 14 year old girl who met a black guy, give him her telephone number, and then proceded to go and meet this almost-total-stranger in pitch darkness at 10pm the same night after she gave him her number. He turned up with three friends and they all raped her.
I mean - young women behave stupidly, why should we pity them? When young men behave stupidly, and hurt or even kill themselves, almost everyone says 'Boys will be boys.' But why should women get more care and respect, even when they behave worse than chimpanzees?
Percentage wise the animals are the rapists in Europe and Australia,they should be deported back to their slums in asia and the mid east
--- Quote from: Scriabin on November 07, 2006, 11:12:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: Raptorman on November 07, 2006, 12:42:12 AM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on November 06, 2006, 05:35:57 PM ---no one on this forum believes that women should be punished for rape. Any rapist is a evil person who should be punished very severly. It is beyond me how anyone can say the woman was asking for it, yes some women do dress like prostitutes and that should stop, but there is no excuse for rape.
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As a man it's an insult whenever someone suggests the way a woman talks, walks, dresses or behaves somehow causes males to rape.
Rape has nothing to do with sex and certainly nothing to do with love.
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Such nonsense. Rape has nothing to do with sex?
Women who dress and behave like sluts have no influence on bad male behavior?
Come now.
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Rape has nothing to do with sex it has everything to do with control and degradation.
You are telling me the image of a woman in a bathing suit exerts such power we men can "control ourselves"? Please, give me a break.
--- Quote from: Raptorman on November 24, 2006, 09:18:36 AM ---
Rape has nothing to do with sex it has everything to do with control and degradation.
You are telling me the image of a woman in a bathing suit exerts such power we men can "control ourselves"? Please, give me a break.
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Most men cannot control themselves when faced with the female body. Now, if you're a homosexual, a blind man or a man with a very low testosterone count then yes, perhaps you can control yourself.
(Clarification provided two posts down.)
--- Quote from: sarah.... on November 27, 2006, 05:01:12 PM ---DOESN'T it vary between the men...SOME CAN CONTOL THEMSELVES...whereas SOME CANNOT..
Rape is wrong no matter whatever the provoke.......its about moral sense and the thought of how evil it is to commit such a crime.....
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I don't mean rape. Of course, no man should lay a hand on a woman.
I'm talking about the power a woman has over a man with her physical presence. Most men cannot think normally when a half-naked woman is anywhere near them.
Sex IS the motivation for rape however. All this talk about control and domination is feminist pseudo-psychological gobbledygook.
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