Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Is trying to defeat NAZICROAT "concerts" in the USA ONLY good for Serbs ?


I think it is also good
for our Jewish brothers.

They were slaughtered
by these NAZICROAT BEASTS, too.

The same can be said about ALBANAZIS.
Denouncing them like Chaim did on his videos,
is a just revenge for what ALBANAZIS did
to Serbs, as well as to Jews.


Shall anybody feel some regret
about these videos being
made and displayed on youtube,
THUS, provocating NAZIS to ban them ?

It just shows NAZIS are ready to do
anything, in order that the Truth
be silenced, if possible, for ever.

Thank you, Chaim,
for these videos of yours,
who weren't "ONLY"
Serbophile, but,
and who could deny it,
Judeophile also.

Both our Peoples suffered
in the very claws of those
Chaim was/is denounciating.

Its good for Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and all those who are victims of Nazism. That includes anyone who is not 'Northern European' White. Of course Northern Europeans were victims of Nazism, so really, it is good for everyone.

Not stopping it means not caring or indifferance, and I don't think anyone can be indifferent towards hateful ideology of Nazism.

Chaim didn't "ONLY" made his videos for the Serbs,
he made them for every single Victim of the Holocaust.

He felt this had to be done, he was/is right.

As far as we Serbs are concerned,
we thank you all, Dear Chaim.

 :) :) :)


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