Author Topic: lou13ss' writing: Afraid in our own Land  (Read 2199 times)

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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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lou13ss' writing: Afraid in our own Land
« on: November 06, 2007, 09:35:13 PM »
Afraid in Our Own Country
   I was biking home from the synagogue tonight, it was dark and I was alone. My mother was worried about it and told me to put the light on my bike, which I forgot to do, but in the end she let me go. As I was biking home, I thought about all the places in Israel where Jews would not dare go into the streets in the dark and they certainly would not let their children go by themselves into those streets. Those are places where if one does walk the streets at night they risk being found the next morning behind a garbage can, murdered and their body mutilated. The Arabs run wild in our state and our land, all our government cares about is settlers and racism and fascism and of course, the upcoming Annapolis conference. The government could care less about Jewish blood and Jewish lives, lest they offend the Arab residents living in Israel.
   Our government has failed to protect our lives and bring order, which is the essential role of government. They have yet to find a way to crush Arab-Muslim terror and leave us to the dogs. If the government cannot find a way to protect it’s citizens, it has no purpose and should be destroyed and replaced with a government that will protect us. The current Israeli government worries more about Arab-Muslim casualties than it does about Jewish-Israeli ones. We deserve a better government, one that will understand that it serves as the government for the “Jewish State” and that means specifically the Jewish People.
   The day that we, the Kahanists, get elected to a majority of the Knesset seats we will instill in the Arab-Muslims a fear of G-d and they will be the ones afraid to send their children into the streets at night. They will be the ones who will deal with the constant worry of true “Israeli Aggression” as opposed to the rubber bullets they face now. We will once again walk our streets at night without fear of ending up dead. We will protect our fellow Jews from attacks by Arabs and if G-d forbid they do get their hands on one of us, we will get our hands on ten or twenty or a hundred of them. We will torture them for information as to who the murderer was and he will be immediately killed just like he murdered one of us. The rest of the Arabs who were living in that area will all be deported to the country of their choice, and if no one will accept them, we will force them into Jordan which is their true home and they will fear G-d. They will learn that the Jews won’t back down, we aren’t their lap-dogs and we aren’t America’s lap dogs, if you give it to us, we’ll stick it to you. Never again will we walk in the streets of our land and our state afraid. That was the dream “to be a free people in our own land” and we will be free and proud once again.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: lou13ss' writing: Afraid in our own Land
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2007, 09:46:15 PM »
I was just informed that a Jewish friend & associate, a young hard working father, was shot to death last night by demonic schwartzes while sitting in his car, stopped for a red light waiting to cross an intersection while driving home from work.

And, no...the murderer(s) were not apprehended.

Just thought I'd mention it...we all know it's just another "statistic" in a long series of "isolated incidents".

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