Israel > Save Israel

J-Post Attack on Avigdor Lieberman


El Cabong!:
This guy seems to have the right idea and yet apologist, self-hating Jews are complaining and criticizing his appointment. Read this crap:

The overwhelming majority of Israel's Arab citizens want to remain Israelis and would like nothing better than to be equal, loyal members of Israeli society. Even if Lieberman doesn't believe their sincerity or simply resents it, the fact is that Arab citizens of Israel are not going anywhere. Years of discriminatory government policies have not pushed them out.


--- Quote ---the fact is that Arab citizens of Israel are not going anywhere.
--- End quote ---
We'll see about that!   ;)

--- Quote ---Years of discriminatory government policies have not pushed them out.
--- End quote ---
Of course, because those policies were discriminatory towards Jews!

When I saw the title I was hoping the article would be attacking Lieberman for joining the treasonous Kadima/Labor coalition. That would be the sensible position, to show him as the fraud that he is.

Unfortunately, it's a pathetic editorial calling him a racist and standing up for Israel's muslim arabs. Of course the muslims don't want to leave. They live better in Israel than they would any other country in the middle east.

This kike woman calls him an ultra-nationalist bigot. I'd hate to see what she thinks of Rabbi Meir Kahane(god bless)... Wait, as I continue reading...

The writer is the president and CEO of Americans for Peace Now.

That explains it. Jews for another holocaust!  :-\


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