Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
i was shocked after watching this video
I don't think their Church is called "scatholic",
but I know their Patriarch is called "katholikon",
or similar, if I remember well.
serbian army:
God will help its people O0
Bosnian savagery.
The consider savage behavior as normal behavior.
Look at the video clip made by Bosnian Muslims they openly admit to be proud of their atrocities.
How can the world expect from us the Serbs to live with these savages?
--- Quote from: DALMACIJA on November 16, 2007, 01:13:28 PM ---Bosnian savagery.
The consider savage behavior as normal behavior.
Look at the video clip made by Bosnian Muslims they openly admit to be proud of their atrocities.
How can the world expect from us the Serbs to live with these savages?
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It is no surprise that the leader of the balija meets with the foreign mujahideen who came to help them butcher non muslims.
--- Quote from: Husar on November 12, 2007, 09:24:36 AM ---For vati/trash/can,
Serbs deserve death,
since they do not want
to accept the pope as their leader.
This goes ESPECIALLY to Christian Orthodox Serbs, of course.
For the bulk of Serbian muSSlims, vati(trash)can
is much more...softer, cooler, smoother....
After all, these muSSlims can
very well murder the Orthodox Serbs....
Scatholicism is not good towards the Serbs.
--- End quote ---
That's true Husar, especially in the Balkans it seems Catholicism was correlated someway for sympathy with Nazis? Serbia is a heroic Christian Orthodox country. There was even a Nazi Catholic Albanian SS. I know also Croatia is Catholic and had an SS. Gjon Marka Gjoni, the leader of the Roman Catholic Albanian Ghegs in the Mirdita, stated that: “The Germans have been my friends. To betray my friends is immoral.” They remained Nazi Germany’s closest allies. The Germans provided them with weapons and paid them for this collaboration. "The Germans were able to find collaborators with the Roman Catholic Albanians in the Mirdita region of northern Albania." So much for some Christians in the Balkans.
Thus, like Husar said Scatholicism is not good towards the Serbs.
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