Israel > Save Israel
Film released proving amir did'nt kill rabin
Perhaps you are correct but than again I don't know. There seems to be so much political disinformation surrounding every major social, political and religious issue these days that one really has to search to find the proper answers. How many Jews and Gentiles alike believe there is such a thing as "The Palestinian People" or how many Jews believe that Rabbi Meir Kahane was comparable to Adolf Hitler? I think the ruining of General Douglas McArthur, Barry Goldwater and even Joseph McCarthy for being right tells something no? How much propaganda is needed to supply respect, honor and award to a terrorist as Arafat or Marxists like Sadat, Carter and King Jr.? Once the Cold War ended we now give them Nobel Prizes and build them monuements? I guess I'm stating with the amount of corruption and guided power agendas out there one can always question.
Perhaps Oswald was the lone gunman but there were many others who had benefitted a great deal to Kennedy's murder which is too similar to that of Lincoln's murder... I don't know because I wasn't there but given that it got 1/100th the amount of propaganda/disinformation given to Castro, Carter, Arafat or the "Palestinians"...Amir should be freed with Pollard tomorrow...
--- Quote from: Scriabin on November 14, 2006, 10:38:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: jdl4ever on November 14, 2006, 01:08:24 AM ---If it was a real conspiracy than Amir would have been convenyently killed like Kenedy's assasin was killed to cover up what he really knew and how Molosovitch was killed in a staged drug overdose.
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Absurd. JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. The only people that buy into this conspiracy hogwash (other than Oliver Stone) weren't even alive when the assassination took place.
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Watch this interview with Lyndon Johnson's mistress:
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