Author Topic: Dancing on a hero's grave - Cop Killing Shvartza Whore Lionized by Leftist Slime  (Read 3697 times)

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Offline Hail Columbia

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Let all decent human beings this day remember Werner Foerster, a New Jersey state trooper slain in 1973 - for tonight there will be a nauseating gathering to celebrate (yes, celebrate) the armed prison break that freed one of Foerster's convicted killers.

An organization that should know better, the big public employee union SEIU Local 1199, has opened an auditorium at its headquarters to a group that lionizes fugitive Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, as a heroine whose "liberation" from prison 27 years ago it considers a bright moment in American history.

Sponsors of the Hands Off Assata Campaign include Councilman Charles Barron, Lynne Stewart, convicted of aiding an Islamic terrorist, and Leslie Cagan, who organizes protests for the leftist United for Peace and Justice. Rapper-actor Mos Def is on the event's roster, as was Essence magazine editorial director Susan Taylor, who begged off as co-host citing a time conflict. Shame on them.

Back in '73, when Chesimard, a member of the anti-cop Black Liberation Army, and two comrades were pulled over on the Jersey Turnpike, the gang opened fire. Trooper James Harper was wounded. Foerster, shot twice point blank with his own weapon, was killed. Sentenced to life for abetting the murder, Chesimard was freed after six years by four armed men who orchestrated a prison break.

She has spent a quarter-century in Cuba. Last year, the feds put her on the terrorist watch list with a $1 million reward for her capture. That matters not to the loonies: Indeed, tonight's party kicks off an eight-city tour to mark her 60th birthday in 2007.

The Local 1199 hall was reserved by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. The union disavows any connection to the soiree, but it should be more careful about opening its facilities to wing nuts.

"No one here has forgotten she murdered one of our own," said State Police Capt. Al Della Fave. Nor have we. Remember Werner Foerster.

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