Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Important Message For Our Serb Friends From Chaim Ben Pesach

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I cannot wait to see these vidz. Unfortunately GOD is going to release his wrath for this terrible injustice that is being done to the Serbs.

I support Serbia in its fight, but Serbia must honestly fight for its independence.
Serbia may have found an ally with russia but we must not also forget that everytime something
goes wrong in russia they blame Jewish people for it.

I wholeheartedly support Serbia in fighting against the islamofascists, but being of ukrainian/russian Jewish descent I will not fall for the lies of russia and their soviet era lies.

Call me a backstabbing 'Jew' all you want but I will not support fascists, communists or islamofascists.
I will spread the truth and fight the lies as best I can.

It will be harder for me to defend Serbia if it leans too far to the russian Orthodox church which is the same group of people who repressed Jewish people during the czarist times.  I'm no fool.

As American Jewish people who are connected to our heritage and are aware how the Serbians saved Jewish people during WW2 and how they rised up against the nazis which delayed the invasion of Snt Petersburg.
We have to tell Americans and make them realize that Serbia can be a powerful ally, if Serbia leans to far over to the russians that will also not bode well for Jewish people.  The russians and ukrainians have historically treated Jewish people very poorly.  We cannot lose Serbia to the russians.

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
Thank you for the support and all, but we've been allies with the russians for over 1000 years, if we aren't anti-semitic now I'm sure we'll never be.

And what kind of assurance is there that Serbians will not become anti-Jewish now?

What kind of assurance is there that russian politik will not cause a rise of anti-Jewish beliefs.
Modern day anti-Jewish sentiments stem from sovietsky politiks.

No scratch that, what kind of assurance is there that fascist nazis will not rise to power?
I dont care if people hate me, I have a problem when they want to kill me.

To be honest my reason for siding with anyone is for purely selfish motivation, and that motivation is
to stay alive or atleast take the side that is least likely to want to kill me.  I specifically said is least likely
to want to kill me because Jewish people have been maltreated and we have put up with it.
But I will continue my beliefs in Judaism and will not subjugate myself.

So what I'm getting at is eastern europe in general has not been kind to Jewish people and I
only care about that far enough to think which one is the lesser of two evils?

I will agree that islamofacists are a modern day problem, I've met atleast one albanian who was
a complete degenerate.  He wasnt on drugs but his whole mentality was disturbing.

I understand that you do not the ability to make any assurance to me.

But considering that I have gone through the trouble to voice my opinion as much as you may not agree with it I would like a little more from you.

I'm an American now, my family fled the soviet union in the 70's and we are grateful to be here.
My family also killed nazis during WW2.

So rest assured I am not under any illusion about my history and where I come from.


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