General Category > Internet Only JTF Shows Archive
Baruch HaShem, 4 New JTF Videos (11/13)
Very good Chaim. I hope to see many more on this subject. I'd like to see some organized effort demanding some voice, some real JEWISHNESS from our so called "Jewish" Organizations. May Congosleeza Reich, Bush, Blair, Olmert, Livni, Perez and the rest go by the way ..... Scum pure evil scum...
PS: I tried to locate that book you speak of Chaim by Edmond Paris. Boy is it an expensive book. I'll have to see if I can find it used someplace.
It is currently 4:25 AM in Croatia. All the Croatian Nazis are probably too busy sleeping with each other right now so they will have to view Chaim's videos later.
Great! Thank you so much!
I'm so happy that the video topics are what they are. I'm ready for the reactions & ready for the good fight!
Chaim Ben Pesach:
The video exposing Ron Paul is drawing large numbers of views and comments, because all of the nutjob Ron Paul cult members are coming on to attack us. I hope our people will respond to them. It looks like we are getting all of the Ron Paul zombies.
Zionist Revolutionary:
Wow! Amazing videos, Chaim! Yeah, the Ron Paul robots have to be responded to. They really are persistant.
Lets get em.
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