Israel > Save Israel

Lieberman supporter stares at ugly anti Israel Lamont supporters

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And How many posters here are blind to the Anti-Israel sentiments of the Dem/Lib Left?

Bump for this threads downward spiral! :'(


--- Quote from: Donpeyote on November 06, 2006, 02:29:25 PM ---And How many posters here are blind to the Anti-Israel sentiments of the Dem/Lib Left?

--- End quote ---
A few i think but not many

Rabbi Meir Kahane predicted this in 1972.

Make no mistake about it; this will be the behavior of ALL political parties in the U.S. soon.

If anyone here somehow believes that the Republicans are truly supporting Israel and Jews, then you are at best mistaken, and at worst delusional.

Research the policy of the former USSR towards Israel from 1948 until its demise under Gorbachev; what will be found is that for all practical purpose and intent, the policy of the U.S., under both Clinton and Bush, Jr., is IDENTICAL to that of the former Soviet Empire:

Give lip service to "Israel's right to exist within "internationally recognized borders"" while simultaneously arming, re-arming, and giving military training to Israel's avowed enemies; all the while "demanding" a "Peace Process" to be used as a reuse to dismantle the Jewish State piece by piece...until it finally is incapable of resisting the Arab Moslem onslaught.

Recently, those who committed terrorist atrocities against Israeli citizens and other Jews were correctly labeled terrorist by the U.S. Government as well as the U.S. media.

Today; murderers of Jews and those demanding destruction of Israel are labeled "militants", while the world's most notorious genocidal maniacs are called "Allies In The War Against Terror" by George W. Bush, and millions and billions of U.S. dollars are thrown at the murderers in an insane attempt to appease them and "win friends".

Currently, Bush has appointed former U.S. Secretary Of State James Baker to oversee "new strategy" for Iraq.  He is proposing that Syria and Iran be brought into a "dialogue" to assist the U.S. in "resolving" the Middle East quagmire.  By the way; what is James Bakers' occupation?.....he represents virtually ALL of the terrorist Muslim States as their attorney.  His law partners represent all of the Oil Companies & the Saudis.

Still think that only the Democrat Party is anti-Israel?

 You are Delusional if you think  Southern Baptists and Fundies are more of a Threat to Israel than are the Leftist Dem/Lib Dove Pal/Arab supportin Americans!     THE Enemy of the People of Israel are Here and some of them are Non-Pra cticing Jews!


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