Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian Nazis

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--- Quote from: Electra on November 18, 2007, 02:39:13 PM ---
--- Quote from: TheTruth01 on November 18, 2007, 11:53:34 AM ---What do those pictures prove? That the Croats were Ustasha? I don\'t dispute that. Im asking you to look at my points about Serbians and come up with a constructive contradiction.

--- End quote ---

You are a moron.

You don't deny Croatians are Ustasha because you're proud of that. Nothing new.
There is no trace of Serbian Nazis, serbian Nazi devisions...etc. Everyone knows that - 50 Serbs for wounded Nazi, 100 Serbs for killed one.

Now get out of here. Shoo. You reek of ignorance and disgusting Nazi Croatianness.

--- End quote ---

okay "The truth" IF serbia sided with the nazis, why would they BOMB BELGRADE?! and IF they sided with the nazis. why keep it a secret? and IF WE SERBS SIDED WITH NAZIS, WHY WOULD CROATIANS KILL US? We would be some kind of "ally"(spelled?) They nazis killed over 1.8 million serbs. again.. WHY Keep it a secret.. wake up! is it because u have some kind of nazi friends that brainwash you in to not accepting the facts.. Retard.

I don't know if it was Kardelj, a slovene,
one of the yugoslav communists after WWII,
who, while having an official visit to the SSSR,
was led to enter a Soviet Museum of WWII.

He could see ALL the "flags" of the SS DIVISIONS
that attacked Stalingrad and Leningrad.
NAZICROAT SS "towel-flags",
and every single other SS "towel-flag"....
From all the european countries...


 :o :o :o

Save Serbia from this Nazi Croatianess Bombardment!

White Israelite:
The enemy of our enemy is not our friend.


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