Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Question about the origins of the Croats...
They are kind of like muslim pakis who deny their Hindu origins and the fact that they are converted descendants of Indians of whose blood they are also from.
They really came from from the garbage dumps
Ultra Requete:
They speak the same language as Serbs and Bosniaks, serbo-croatian for them caling temself persian - iranian is new PC way to adhere into racist aryan nazi myth. I asked some nationalist Iranians about croats and they :::D when they heard about their "iranian roots". ::)
--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on November 18, 2007, 08:53:44 AM ---They speak the same language as Serbs and Bosniaks, serbo-croatian for them caling temself persian - iranian is new PC way to adhere into racist aryan nazi myth. I asked some nationalist Iranians about croats and they :::D when they heard about their "iranian roots". ::)
--- End quote ---
Could you blame them?
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