Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Scatholics in the Balkans


Why is it Scatholics in the Balkans like the Croats, Nazi Catholic Albanians, Slovenes(?) were Nazis or even had Nazi SS Divisions with MuSSlims or affiliations while Orthodox people like the Serbs were heroic and loyal? I can't think of any Nazi Orthodox SS Division or Orthodox people supporting Nazis, Orthodox people like Serbs were one of the only truly heroic people resistant against the Nazis. The Greek people are Orthodox but were they Nazis?

The greeks had a NAZI party, led by metaxas,
where they raised their right arm, sieg-heiling...
The bulgars were NAZIS and Kollaborators
and in war against the Serbs and Serbia.
The ukrainians were NAZIS, had SS DIVISION "GALIZIEN",
but for the vast majority of them, they were "uniates",
meaning they were not Orthodox Christians anymore,
they prefered to obey the pope of rome...

Serbs and Serbia are truly
an exception in the then europe...



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