Okay, I'm a practical person, we're constantly hearing "use alternative energy", "get off oil" blah, blah, etc. ad-nausium. Well I'm all for it, and noooo, not because I believe in the Global Warming scam, and yes it is a
scam perpetuated by con artists that are making a pile of money off of their pseudo-science scaremongering and holding naive well intentioned people hostage to eco-fascism.
No, I'm for using alternative fuels because
I want arab oil to be obsolete, I want it to be worthless, I want to see the arabs back where they belong, in the desert, in tents, herding goats and bothering nobody but the poor goats.
So where was I? Oh yes, "use alternative energy" blah blah ad-nausium", I'd love to! Question is, HOW!? I don't see electric cars for sale at the local car dealer, no houses for sale pre-wired for solar power, I get the retorec but no practical possibilities, well to me, that's the definition of
BULLSH**!Anyway, rant aside, I took it upon myself to do research on a practical way not to use arab oil, and I found every car sold in America that will run on ethanol (corn alcohol, any alcohol for that matter). And get this, call me paranoid, but it wasn't easy, I had to dig, it's like the carmakers DON'T WANT YOU TO BUY ALTERNATIVE FUEL CARS! You have to actively look, they don't promote it, they bury the fact that they are even selling them and you have to effing dig to find them. It's rotten, apparently they like using oil and they like pushing it on us, the carmakers and officials talk a good game, but in reality they're in cahoots with the oilmen, they're interlocking bastards in business with each other.
Regardless, I'm pragmatic, remember? And you still need to function, get around, so why not do it while spitting in the eye of the arabs and the fatcats.
So here it is, after using google prolifically, cars you can buy now that run on alcohol, check it out:
http://images.businessweek.com/ss/06/05/ethanol_cars/index_01.htm Here's GM's lineup:
http://www.gm.com/shop/results.jsp?bodyStyle=11&bodyStyle=12&bodyStyle=04&bodyStyle=05&bodyStyle=03&bodyStyle=13&bodyStyle=01&lowPrice=10000&highPrice=65000&fuel=E85&My next car will be one of those, I'm leaning towards the Sebring Converible.