Author Topic: I've been robbed today!  (Read 17762 times)

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Offline nessuno

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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #50 on: November 19, 2007, 08:27:48 PM »
I think Newman explains very well which kind of teens he dislikes.
Killing burglars is however not really OK.
But beating them up is certainly OK.
Obviously - Sometimes people are driven to the breaking point.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #51 on: November 19, 2007, 09:13:58 PM »
Sorry you were robbed, BG.

I'd pay bloody big QUIDS to see a 220+ lb Boer beat the snot out of a teenager! :::D

 I hate young people!! >:(
To Newman, you hate teens? Weren't you a teen at one time? Will your children never be teens? Really sad. I have suffered a lot due to teens who destroyed my door 12 times, but I don't hate teens just for that.

And Boer, be carefful, a Ben Noah must not murder. You can only kill someone to save a life, not just to avenge your rights

12 times  :o

You must be in a very bad area, and a saint for not being mad against them.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #52 on: November 19, 2007, 09:27:36 PM »
Sorry to here it, it's unfortunate that they take from anyone, but especially good people

Offline Daniel

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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2007, 09:34:39 PM »
Sorry to hear about this. Did you call the police and make a report?


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2007, 09:41:08 PM »
Sorry you were robbed, BG.

I'd pay bloody big QUIDS to see a 220+ lb Boer beat the snot out of a teenager! :::D

 I hate young people!! >:(
To Newman, you hate teens? Weren't you a teen at one time? Will your children never be teens? Really sad. I have suffered a lot due to teens who destroyed my door 12 times, but I don't hate teens just for that.

And Boer, be carefful, a Ben Noah must not murder. You can only kill someone to save a life, not just to avenge your rights

But it's protecting MY & my families' lives in the very near future! Once ive caught up with him, and gave hm a few hot one's-that punk and all his friends and junk family will harass and possibly kill MY family. Besides, what has and will this punk contribute to society? NOTHING! So, let's help out the enviromentalists, and decrease the amount of polution by decreasing one useless human being O0


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #55 on: November 19, 2007, 09:45:03 PM »
I'm sorry to hear that you were robbed, Boeregeneral.  I'm just glad you were not hurt.  Is it possible to install some kind of alarm in your home? 

And Newman, who is that blond woman in your signature file? 

Thank You Lisa. Ja, there was no way of me getting hurt this time...however other times i was lucky...

Alarm, well i dont really need one, as i am one :::D See, im at home all day, and at night i go to bed in the morning...and ive been prepared for them....grrrrrrrrrrrr but  everything was just going for that punk that time...


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #56 on: November 19, 2007, 09:48:04 PM »

Thank You Lisa. Ja, there was no way of me getting hurt this time...however other times i was lucky...

Alarm, well i dont really need one, as i am one :::D See, im at home all day, and at night i go to bed in the morning...and ive been prepared for them....grrrrrrrrrrrr but  everything was just going for that punk that time...

I think the dog might be the best bet there Boere. Your guard cats must of had the day off.  ^-^


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #57 on: November 19, 2007, 09:48:54 PM »
BG, I'm sorry to hear you got robbed!
I'm know you'll take some precautions to avoid such a thing from repeating.

oh yes! I will be much more cautious when showering...mayby i will cease showering, and only take one once a week :::D :::D :::D (Infidel O0). Haha-only kidding. No, I had a talk with the family, and it was agreed my sister would never bee home except at the designated if i see any highscoolers in my yard...i know it's not her...and i can have some fun! (btw, at 1st i thought it was my sister-which saved the basterd some time).

Im looking to get a Shephard, so that would be good.

Thank You Danstx :), much appreciated


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #58 on: November 19, 2007, 09:51:37 PM »
Thats awful! Did you manage to get a glimpse of the rotten thief? If so try and track him down....

I agree, all teenagers should be more disciplined and do some army training. It makes me sick when I see kids being disrespectful to adults, in schools kids even spit at their teachers.
This is where I believe the west isn't civilised and we should be more like other countries e.g. india, where kids know what manners are.

Thank you sarah.
Well, you see i had my big ol glasses of, so quality wasn't present. I was however able to see that he was fairly tall and skinny, and in highschool uniform (so based on that, VERY stupid punk indeed).

Oh yes Sarah, teaching kids respect and discipline is a VERY VERY important part in keeping a society one can see ::)...


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #59 on: November 19, 2007, 09:52:55 PM »
was he,black? black's hate whites and do crime's to white's a lot, that is why i love JTF, and support white right's! but JTF want's to ban me.

Hello Tony
What you say is very much true...just look at South Africa for instance. However, in this instance, he was white-which makes it even worse.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #60 on: November 19, 2007, 09:55:13 PM »
was he,black? black's hate whites and do crime's to white's a lot, that is why i love JTF, and support white right's! but JTF want's to ban me.

Hello Tony
What you say is very much true...just look at South Africa for instance. However, in this instance, he was white-which makes it even worse.
I leave in a predominantly white area too (a lot of Hispanics too...), but there are a lot of these sad drug addicted white kids as well.


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #61 on: November 19, 2007, 09:56:25 PM »
Quote from: newman link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Quote from: HiWarp link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Sorry to here about that Boer.  Can you enlighten me on something.  It's been my experience that gun bans usually result in an increase in violence and crime.  But I've both read and have had Aussies tell me that violent crime decreased after Australia banned guns.  Is this true or not?  Should I believe the Australian leftist propaganda or the NRA propaganda?  :)

We havn't had a postal worker-type mass shooting but violent crime and murder is UP....not down.

Which doesn't surprise me at all.  That's the typical result of a gun ban.  And what happened to Boer is a perfect example.  Would that little punk have dared enter his home and rob him while he was there if there was a chance that Boer was armed?  My guess is he would have thought twice.
I agree.
People should have the right to defend life and property.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you Boer.

Thank You Bullcat :)

Yes, Joe Horn is a Hero! Man, he sure didn't take any shiite. He is a VERY wise man. And typically...whom were the burglars as usual...2 stinking black basterds ::). And typically once again, now the media goes an talks to his pathetic stupid damned family. If it was whites killed, would they have went to the family. NO! >:( >:(


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #62 on: November 19, 2007, 09:59:47 PM »
Sorry to hear about this. Did you call the police and make a report?

I didn't even bother! These police are a bunch of stupid donkeys! EVERYTIME w called them to report burglary attempts, they didn't even come to investigate. Thing long as im not able to FULLY identify the basterd, ive got no case. Besides, there was no insurance on the Video Camera :(. But it's propably good, so when i do get my hands on the basterd, and have my way with him...chances are less ill be a suspect ;)


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #63 on: November 19, 2007, 10:03:56 PM »

Thank You Lisa. Ja, there was no way of me getting hurt this time...however other times i was lucky...

Alarm, well i dont really need one, as i am one :::D See, im at home all day, and at night i go to bed in the morning...and ive been prepared for them....grrrrrrrrrrrr but  everything was just going for that punk that time...

I think the dog might be the best bet there Boere. Your guard cats must of had the day off.  ^-^

 :::D :::D :::D
You got that right! But then again, if my 1 cat didn't go crazy, i would not have known for sure that something was she actually kind of saved the day. My Angel :-*. It's funny, because my cat which went crazy (Angel), is actually anything but an Angel! She's a beast on 4 legs! She has no fear(well so i thought). We once had this dog that entered the property...BIG dog, and my cat actually charged the dog...and caused the dog to retreat to the corner in fear. That dog was terrified, i tell you!!!


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #64 on: November 19, 2007, 10:07:55 PM »
Quote from: newman link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Quote from: HiWarp link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Sorry to here about that Boer.  Can you enlighten me on something.  It's been my experience that gun bans usually result in an increase in violence and crime.  But I've both read and have had Aussies tell me that violent crime decreased after Australia banned guns.  Is this true or not?  Should I believe the Australian leftist propaganda or the NRA propaganda?  :)

We havn't had a postal worker-type mass shooting but violent crime and murder is UP....not down.

Which doesn't surprise me at all.  That's the typical result of a gun ban.  And what happened to Boer is a perfect example.  Would that little punk have dared enter his home and rob him while he was there if there was a chance that Boer was armed?  My guess is he would have thought twice.
I agree.
People should have the right to defend life and property.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you Boer.

Thank You Bullcat :)

Yes, Joe Horn is a Hero! Man, he sure didn't take any shiite. He is a VERY wise man. And typically...whom were the burglars as usual...2 stinking black basterds ::). And typically once again, now the media goes an talks to his pathetic stupid damned family. If it was whites killed, would they have went to the family. NO! >:( >:(

I hear you. It is sad indeed to see potentially good people, pretty much having lost their lives due to those damn drugs  >:( >:( >:(

Offline nessuno

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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #65 on: November 19, 2007, 10:09:02 PM »
Quote from: newman link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Quote from: HiWarp link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Sorry to here about that Boer.  Can you enlighten me on something.  It's been my experience that gun bans usually result in an increase in violence and crime.  But I've both read and have had Aussies tell me that violent crime decreased after Australia banned guns.  Is this true or not?  Should I believe the Australian leftist propaganda or the NRA propaganda?  :)

We havn't had a postal worker-type mass shooting but violent crime and murder is UP....not down.

Which doesn't surprise me at all.  That's the typical result of a gun ban.  And what happened to Boer is a perfect example.  Would that little punk have dared enter his home and rob him while he was there if there was a chance that Boer was armed?  My guess is he would have thought twice.
I agree.
People should have the right to defend life and property.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you Boer.

Thank You Bullcat :)

Yes, Joe Horn is a Hero! Man, he sure didn't take any shiite. He is a VERY wise man. And typically...whom were the burglars as usual...2 stinking black basterds ::). And typically once again, now the media goes an talks to his pathetic stupid damned family. If it was whites killed, would they have went to the family. NO! >:( >:(
I was thinking the very same thing as I watched that report!
That woman should be ashamed to sit there, with her baby on her lap, and defend that animal.
The majority of the media...that is another form of animal. :0(
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #66 on: November 19, 2007, 10:17:18 PM »
Quote from: newman link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Quote from: HiWarp link=topic=11816.msg#msg date=
Sorry to here about that Boer.  Can you enlighten me on something.  It's been my experience that gun bans usually result in an increase in violence and crime.  But I've both read and have had Aussies tell me that violent crime decreased after Australia banned guns.  Is this true or not?  Should I believe the Australian leftist propaganda or the NRA propaganda?  :)

We havn't had a postal worker-type mass shooting but violent crime and murder is UP....not down.

Which doesn't surprise me at all.  That's the typical result of a gun ban.  And what happened to Boer is a perfect example.  Would that little punk have dared enter his home and rob him while he was there if there was a chance that Boer was armed?  My guess is he would have thought twice.
I agree.
People should have the right to defend life and property.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you Boer.

Thank You Bullcat :)

Yes, Joe Horn is a Hero! Man, he sure didn't take any shiite. He is a VERY wise man. And typically...whom were the burglars as usual...2 stinking black basterds ::). And typically once again, now the media goes an talks to his pathetic stupid damned family. If it was whites killed, would they have went to the family. NO! >:( >:(
I was thinking the very same thing as I watched that report!
That woman should be ashamed to sit there, with her baby on her lap, and defend that animal.
The majority of the media...that is another form of animal. :0(

Ja!!! I mean, why have that stupid baby there!! It's simply there to make americans feel sorry for that stupid family, and once again think that the HERO Mr. Horn went out of line. Blood boiling stuff!!! >:(

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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #67 on: November 20, 2007, 08:15:49 PM »
Doodschieten die klootzak!
kill the bastard!
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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Re: I've been robbed today!
« Reply #68 on: November 20, 2007, 08:30:32 PM »
Doodschieten die klootzak!
kill the bastard!