I remember when WLIB radio station was a completely black talk station, sharpton, maddox and mason always showed up on Thanksgiving week saying that Thanksgiving was a day of 'misgiving'. This was around the time of the bawana tawana banana circus was in town. There were always on gary byrd's show. Byrd would always have a parade of bafoon professors on spreading the most idiot theories you can imagine. It was qute funny to be honest with you. Even the anti semitic and anti white remarks were hilarious since they were so off the wall and where delivered in ebonics from their best and brightess 'scholars'. Every time I see a black convention on CSPAN I watch it. It is the funniest thing you have ever seen. Everytime you see a 'black panel' stacked with corneal west, al sharpton, jesse, screwy louie and the rest of the crackpot. You are in for a treat. All I can say is microwave your popcorn and grab you soda and enjoy. Your sides will ache. Who said the stupidity was not funny.