Israel > Save Israel


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Perhaps this sign shows what Communist, Humanist, Utopan subversion has done to those "sects" of "Judaism" and "Christianity" which advocate Same Sex Marriage...  Homosexuality is an abomination.  One with a modicum of intelligence would understand just from the diseases and anti-"Evolution" it is.  Fags cannot reproduce just destroy humanity...  For a Fag to threaten rape....  says that they must truly be desperate to get their "needs" met....  should they all get Ebola... 

 ???  Could you imagine Gay Muslims threatening to rape Muslim virgin girls over not being able to have a Gay march in Mecca around the Ka'aba ?( This would be the equivelant of Jewish Gays  marching in the old city up on the Temple Mount ).
 Just for making that threat the Islamic Police would round them up & feed them their genitalia !


--- Quote from: B0NG0ID on December 10, 2006, 11:26:27 AM --- ???  Could you imagine Gay Muslims threatening to rape Muslim virgin girls over not being able to have a Gay march in Mecca around the Ka'aba ?( This would be the equivelant of Jewish Gays  marching in the old city up on the Temple Mount ).
 Just for making that threat the Islamic Police would round them up & feed them their genitalia !

--- End quote ---
I agree with your logic 100%.  Shameful isn't it.  One very rarely sees Muslims out protesting against the Islamic World but always delusional Leftist and extreme Right (Satmer types) protesting the one tiny "Jewish" State.  Appalling isn't it?


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