Author Topic: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals  (Read 7273 times)

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Offline Ulli

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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2007, 03:01:48 PM »
Oh the poor Tassie Devils they have an illness in the wild stocks thats killing them off.

I am affraid they are going to be our next great loss, like the Tasmanian Tiger (which is the black and white pic)

I have even read about the Tassie Devil disease. It is called DFTD [Devil Facial Tumour Disease]. The english Wiki has an own article for this issue.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2007, 04:55:09 PM »
When I lived in Tasmania we saw a lot them in Cradle Mountain. It was shocking and said to see such a high end predator be reduced to a whimper.

Tassie Devils don't attack cats and are forest animals, but they only live in Tassie. Feral cats are not a huge problem in that state but red foxs are. Even then the government says theres none.

People should just ask the farmers.  8;)

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2007, 05:06:44 PM »
But The Noahide Laws apply to all humans, not just Jews. Newman is a an Australian Noahide. What if he wants to have a pet male cat? The government will violate his religious rights and obligations.

It doesn't work that way here at all. You are restricted in relgious practices.

The law of the land out strips any religious laws.

You also need to understand this country has a huge proportion of people that have no religion at all. So Noahide laws are not consider either.

This country is not a religious based one, even tho we are seen as christains, many have no idea what jews are or anything to do with the culture.

Trying to debate with a person that has no knowledge or wishes to seek it, is doomed to fail.

The law makers of this country don't follow any other laws but has been set by the ruling body.

And G-d has never struck me down with lightening when I have taken an animal to be desexed.

Yacov regardless of what is written, the welfare of the animals in my charge is foremost and before anything.

G-d gave me a gift to look after them I do so to the best of what I can possibly do.

You can't allow uncontrolled matings and breedings, if you want that I suggest you chose to live in the jungle with Tarzan.

The land needs to be protected as well as the animals, anything less fool hardy.

I am sorry thats my beleif and I sticking with it.

I want a world left for my children.

You are right. We must control the dog and cat population. I dearly love them- especially cats. But to let them breed out of control and spawn colonies of feral cats is cruel.     
                                                                                            Think how they live- half starved, covered with fleas, attacked by other animals, poisoned by humans.
I have two feral cats who live in my back yard, but I trapped them and took them to the vet to have them spayed and neutered.
They now live happily in my back yard, give me joy at watching their antics..and I love them.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2007, 05:12:15 PM by Cyberella »


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2007, 07:01:57 PM »
Are the Tasmanian Devils in anyway related to rats? The one in the picture kind of looks like a giant huge sewer rat! So creepy!
Oh and it has arafat wiskers/beard.

Nope they are a marsupial, related to Kangroos etc.

Offline Ulli

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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2007, 07:05:19 PM »
Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on November 13, 2007, 05:43:05 PM
Are the Tasmanian Devils in anyway related to rats? The one in the picture kind of looks like a giant huge sewer rat! So creepy!
Oh and it has arafat wiskers/beard.
;D Giant Rats like Arafat!

I have found at the website, that the infidel posted this video:

Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on November 13, 2007, 05:43:05 PM
Are the Tasmanian Devils in anyway related to rats? The one in the picture kind of looks like a giant huge sewer rat! So creepy!
Oh and it has arafat wiskers/beard.
;D Giant Rats like Arafat!

I have found at the website, that the infidel posted this video:

« Last Edit: November 13, 2007, 07:08:03 PM by Golden Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2007, 03:52:57 PM »
How would humans like if animals de-sexed humans?

Humans do get desexed women have  hysterotomies, men have vasectomies.


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2007, 12:55:35 AM »
How would humans like if animals de-sexed humans?

Humans do get desexed women have  hysterotomies, men have vasectomies.

But that only stops them from reproducing, not having sex. Why don't they do that to animals?
A male cat will still roam, still fight and still pee everywhere and thus male cats would be killed or abandoned.

By the way, a Jewish man who has a "vasectomy" is not permitted to remain married and under Jewish Law, it is as if he cut off his testicles.

What if his testicles were removed to save his life due to testicular cancer?


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #32 on: November 15, 2007, 01:12:39 AM »
How would humans like if animals de-sexed humans?

Humans do get desexed women have  hysterotomies, men have vasectomies.

But that only stops them from reproducing, not having sex. Why don't they do that to animals?

By the way, a Jewish man who has a "vasectomy" is not permitted to remain married and under Jewish Law, it is as if he cut off his testicles.

Desexed animals still have sex, trust me that doesn't stop it.  :-\

Stops a dog humping your leg tho  :::D


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2007, 01:14:47 AM »
Does America have a problem of cats not having natural predators? Cats can go outside here and kill birds and squirrels if they like. Is that an environment problem? Even spayed female cats do that.

America has lot of higher order predators, puma, bobcats, other native wild cats, wolves, etc.


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2007, 11:34:17 PM »
Desexed animals still have sex, trust me that doesn't stop it.  :-\

How can they do it if their sexual organs were removed?

Huh? you think they have their penis removed?


The operation involves a short general anaesthetic, and usually just the day in hospital. Both testicles are removed through small incisions in the scrotum, but no stitches are required. And the animal can still function sexually but only discharges Pre Cum fluid and no sperm. Because the testicles are not there to produce it.

They still are able to preform all sexual needs.

As for females, the operation involves a short general anaesthetic and the dames full reproductive organs are moved either through a large incision on the belly or side, requiring 10 -12 stitches. Also need to monitor her for 12-14 days before the stitches are removed by a vet. if they come out can course infection and organ damage. As you can well imagine far more involved with female desexing than a males.

the Dame will be left with a hollow inside, which will not hamper any sexually activity she wishes to preform.

The thing is, unlike humans, animals mate to breed or show dominance, not for pleasure.


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2007, 09:36:05 PM »
Yes and no, sex hormones are mainly produced in the brain the hypothalamus.

The main function of the hypothalamus is homeostasis, or maintaining the body's status quo. Factors such as blood pressure, body temperature, ..

The erection is caused through hormones adjusting the blood pressure in that area.

As you can see the need for testosterone  can be over come.

Removing of the testices only reduces the testosterone  level, doesn't take it alway completely.

Yes still can get an erection but it is harder for him.


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2007, 10:19:38 PM »
Is he still attracted to females if it is removed?

No thats not removed.

Sexually attraction is not control by the testices.

But as I said, animals mate for two reasons to breed or show dominance. That is a behaviour, not a hormone.

Example my Gordon Setter is desexed, and we went off to the beach and he found so nice lady dogs to hump.

Their owners were not impressed but he had a good time  :::D

 :-\ I felt like two inches tall


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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2007, 11:14:34 PM »
Then why did Muslims remove the testicles of their male slaves so they wouldn't have to worry about them having relations with their women?

Because they don't want the slaves to breed with the women. And theres more in sexually relations than just intercourse.

And slaves feared for their lives, and thats was only done for that reason. They didn't want their women with childern other than the masters own. And remember most of those women were stolen, brought or traded.

Muslims also didn't want the salves breeding because they couldn't work well if the woman was with child, or a male slave chooses to protect a female slave if he has fathered a child with.

Remove the ability of the man, removes future problems.

Many men are highly aggressive and protective of their mates and children, as you can see, easlier for a slave not to have any of this.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 11:17:01 PM by The Infidel. »

Offline darrinh

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Re: Alert: Australia's Bolshevik Government Forbids Being Humane To Animals
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2007, 06:44:10 AM »
Perhaps could this predator catch cats, but he has die out.

They do have a preserved embryo which may be able to provide the necessary DNA for scientists to clone.
John 16:2: " fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God."