Author Topic: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani  (Read 8751 times)

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Offline JTFFan

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2007, 07:46:44 AM »
Ron Paul blames everything on the Neo-Consertives and claims that they are all tied to the Likud party. He is anti Israel he wants and even handed approach. I can understand that you may support him because he is not in the establishment. But Huckabee is as close to the perfect candidate as we will get this time around. He is Pro Life he is anti Gay Marriage he is for border security he is for a tough stance against global Jihad and he is a Former Baptist Minister so you know he is an Israeli supporting Richeous Gentile. I see no flaws in Huckabee.

Huckabee has a great stance on pro-life and anti-gay marriage, however, when it comes to illegal immigration he's not the best. Giuliani may support abortion but I'm pretty sure he's against partial-birth abortion. Plus, I think you're right the abortion rate did go down and adoption rate when up in NY.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2007, 09:02:40 AM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul is oblivious to the danger of Islam.
Ron Paul couldn't care less if Iran gets nukes.
Ron Paul blames Islamic aggression and genocide on U.S. foreign policy.
Ron Paul thinks the way to deal with hostile mooozie nations is to increase trade and expand dialogue.
Ron Paul is insane.

This may all be true...

But Giuliani is a known DRAG QUEEN!

Everyone knows this to be a fact, and there are numerous photos of him trying to french kiss Richard Gere, who is a known Jew-Hater and Israel hater, a bad actor, and a Hamas supporter.

Rudy is a DRAG QUEEN whose own son hates his guts, and who hasn't been able to stay married to the same woman for very long.

He says he's the terror fighter, but doesn't reveal that he's been paid numerous times for going to Dubai & kissing Muzz butt, and he doesn't reveal that his law firm represents Qatar & other Muzzie terror states.

Somehow, I just don't believe that Rudy will do other than take orders from the CFR the minute he's sworn in.

And what are you going to tell your kids when they are watching the swearing-in ceremony, and Sir Rudy shows up dressed like a woman in heels and lipstick?

Everyone knows he's going to do this, because he's done it several times while Mayor of NY City!

Maybe Sir Rudy and Paul could get married and have a butt baby.

They could name it Mohammed if it's a boy; Hez if it's a girl.

I might could get over the fact that a Drag Queen is the President (after all...just look around at NY City...they're all over the place), even one from an unstable home life.

But then he's going to legalize illegal aliens, allow abortions, and round up everybody's guns too!

Two weeks after Rudy-Toody becomes the El Presidente, he'll change his tune and announce that he's initiating the newly revised RoadMap to HELL for Israel!

Suddenly he'll make references to "Occupied Territories", "Final Status for Jerusalem", "the need for a PLO HAMAS NAZI STATE in the heartland of Israel", etc...

At Least Hitlery Clinton will actually be a real woman in a dress, as well as do all the bad things that Rudy will do, so that means that all things being equal, it's better not to put a queer in office!

Of course, with this horribly scandalous lawsuit of Judith Regan's promising to reveal what she knows dirty about Kerick and Rudy, he may well be out of the running by next month.

There's always Osama Obama!...At least when he is the President he'll have the Jamaican reggae artist "Yellow Man" to play the inauguration ball!

If Obama Osama wears a yellow tux at the inaugural ball, the guests won't be able to see anything but a big yellow suit of clothes dancing on the floor!

On the other hand, Pat Buchanan is warning that a vote for Rudy is a Vote For War!

Pat says Rudy will start a new war with each and every country and make Bush look like a pacifist!

LOL you are right he is a drag queen

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2007, 12:19:38 PM »
I can't believe he's a drag :D
wow, I never knew that and never really bothered to read about that.  :::D

His famous drag video :::D

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2007, 01:40:33 PM »
Muck deFuslims:  "...Hopefully ... people ... will read this thread and come to the conclusion that Guiliani is definitely the better option between the two..."

We don't hold it against you, or against anyone else supporting Sir Rudy.

We in JTF are more "tolerant" and "understanding" and value "the diversity"!

You Giuliani fans have the "right" to be who and "what" you are!

 :::D   :::D   :::D   O0  O0  :::D  ;D  ;D  ;D :D  :-*   :-*   :-*  :::D

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2007, 02:52:27 PM »

Huckabee has a great stance on pro-life and anti-gay marriage, however, when it comes to illegal immigration he's not the best. Giuliani may support abortion but I'm pretty sure he's against partial-birth abortion. Plus, I think you're right the abortion rate did go down and adoption rate when up in NY.

Huckabee is great on Immigration he is against amnesty and is for securing the borders. He is not as good a Hunter. But his is a top tier candidate so it's what we will have to go with. Duncan Hunter would be great as Homeland Security Director thought
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline mord

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2007, 07:07:16 PM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul and his campaign represent evil..."

Assuming that this is correct, I am still unable to find any presidential candidate who represents a lesser evil.

Giuliani has just become embroiled in a very nasty scandal involving litigation which is sure to become uglier by the day.  (the old adage "Pick your friends carefully, for when they're no longer your friends they will know a great deal about you" certainly applies to Judith Regan's lawsuit).

Giuliani represents the Government of Qatar....big $ from Jew-hating phony sheiks who refuse to acknowledge Israel's existence.

Romney represents Wall Street Banking interests and talks out of both sides of his mouth.

Thompson?  Don't make me laugh.

Hunter & Tancredo?  Don't stand a chance due to lack of charisma and lack of their own Party's support.

Each and every Democrat?  Will make Russia appear to be the world capital of freedom and capitalism.

*p.s.--still not one person has shown me proof of Paul's voting to make Ramadan a holiday.  That's just one big lie as far as I'm concerned.

House call 928 oct 2                               

House Roll #928
Oct 2, 2007 5:06 PM Aye H RES 635 Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan (under suspension of the rules)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 07:10:32 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2007, 08:56:45 PM »
For your information, a vote "recognizing the commencement of Ramadan" IS NOT A VOTE TO MAKE RAMADAN AN AMERICAN HOLIDAY!!!

No more so than the votes recognizing the commencement of Hannukah make Hannukah a national holiday!

Therefore, I once again insist that there are many hysterical posters here who know not the differences between truth and falsehood.

These I refer to do know how to sling insults and curses at others when revealing exactly how ignorant they really are.




Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2007, 05:28:06 AM »
For your information, a vote "recognizing the commencement of Ramadan" IS NOT A VOTE TO MAKE RAMADAN AN AMERICAN HOLIDAY!!!

No more so than the votes recognizing the commencement of Hannukah make Hannukah a national holiday!

Therefore, I once again insist that there are many hysterical posters here who know not the differences between truth and falsehood.

These I refer to do know how to sling insults and curses at others when revealing exactly how ignorant they really are.




What about the following vote from a couple years ago? 

It called on the EU to label Hezbollah a terrorist organization:


Offline EagleEye

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2007, 01:52:04 PM »
I don't like Ron Paul, and I support a few of the things Chaim said about him in the last video.

However, if it came to him vs Giuliani, being an advocate of border security, I think I would have to pass on Giuliani.   Thankfully, I have Tom Tancredo, who can give me both border security and sanity.

While I dislike Paul, I wouldn't vote for a liberal instead.  And Giuliani indeed is a liberal.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2007, 06:59:13 PM »
Re:  "...What about the following vote from a couple years ago? 
It called on the EU to label Hezbollah a terrorist organization:..."

I went to this link and saw that more than a few House members voted AYE, NAYE, or NO VOTE.

I therefore assume that somehow you are insisting that Paul stands out among all the others?

A question for you:

If the government of Spain passes a unanimous vote "calling on the U.S.A. to immediately withdraw all of its troops from the Phillipines and to immediately respect Spain's former sovereignty over the Phillipines, does that vote make a tremendous impression on the foreign policy of the U.S.?

Furthermore:  Why should U.S. legislators call for votes on measures calling on foreign sovereign governments to "get in line with the wishes of the U.S. State Dept."...?

Meanwhile, all in Washington but a select few are totally ignoring the terrorists, drugs, and illegal aliens inundating the U.S. due to unguarded and unprotected borders?

If Congressman Paul, together with others from both parties, give a "no" vote on such frivolous legislation, are you then either implying or stating that Paul therefore supports Hezbollah?

It appears to me that this is the exact flawed reasoning of all here slinging accusations at Paul.

Paul's virulent detractors on the forum insist that if anyone mails a donation to a candidate, the candidate is therefore a member of the contributor's group and shares his or her thinking.

If such were the case, then it would stand to reason that Chaim and all others here were in favor of converting Jews, based on the proof that AllenT once produced videos for JTF!

So too these same "mud-slingers" claim that if Paul voted "NO" on a legislative measure telling Europe what their policy should be, that means he's suppposed to be "strongly in favor" of terrorists in Lebanon?

If there was ever a definition of pathological thinking, those which I describe above fit the bill completely.

And, as many times as these "great minds" of the forum have denounced me in print as "insane", etc., none here have the right to claim I'm violating forum policy by simply stating the facts.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2007, 04:10:33 AM »
Re:  "...What about the following vote from a couple years ago? 
It called on the EU to label Hezbollah a terrorist organization:..."

I went to this link and saw that more than a few House members voted AYE, NAYE, or NO VOTE.

I therefore assume that somehow you are insisting that Paul stands out among all the others?

A question for you:

If the government of Spain passes a unanimous vote "calling on the U.S.A. to immediately withdraw all of its troops from the Phillipines and to immediately respect Spain's former sovereignty over the Phillipines, does that vote make a tremendous impression on the foreign policy of the U.S.?

Furthermore:  Why should U.S. legislators call for votes on measures calling on foreign sovereign governments to "get in line with the wishes of the U.S. State Dept."...?

Meanwhile, all in Washington but a select few are totally ignoring the terrorists, drugs, and illegal aliens inundating the U.S. due to unguarded and unprotected borders?

If Congressman Paul, together with others from both parties, give a "no" vote on such frivolous legislation, are you then either implying or stating that Paul therefore supports Hezbollah?

It appears to me that this is the exact flawed reasoning of all here slinging accusations at Paul.

Paul's virulent detractors on the forum insist that if anyone mails a donation to a candidate, the candidate is therefore a member of the contributor's group and shares his or her thinking.

If such were the case, then it would stand to reason that Chaim and all others here were in favor of converting Jews, based on the proof that AllenT once produced videos for JTF!

So too these same "mud-slingers" claim that if Paul voted "NO" on a legislative measure telling Europe what their policy should be, that means he's suppposed to be "strongly in favor" of terrorists in Lebanon?

If there was ever a definition of pathological thinking, those which I describe above fit the bill completely.

And, as many times as these "great minds" of the forum have denounced me in print as "insane", etc., none here have the right to claim I'm violating forum policy by simply stating the facts.

They were non-binding resolutions.  The vote doesn't impact what the EU countries would do.  However, of the voters in congress, it reflects partially on their attitude of Hezbollah. 

A lot of businesses in Germany do business with Iran.  Don't you think it would be good if the EU put sanctions on businesses from doing so? 

The non-binding resolution sort of means that the congress would be supportive of the EU having those sanctions. 

I have not claimed that you violated any forum policy.  I've told you multiple times that you're one of the most thought-out people who post here. 

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2007, 02:03:12 PM »
Re:  "...A lot of businesses in Germany do business with Iran..."

Exactly as do a lot of American corporations.

Shortly after the Six Day War, I was in Haifa and saw large quantities of wood planks which were all stamped CCCP in red ink.  I asked my companion, "What's going on?"..."The Soviets call for sanctions against Israel and approve of the Arabs' boycott of Israel!"..."What are new Russian products doing here in Israel?"  "Oh!"...he replied without so much as missing a beat..."What they say has no relationship to what they do!"

By the way, are the posters here aware that during the Reagan Presidency, Israel was supplying arms to The Islamic Republic of Iran?

The whole "sanctions" game is a farce...those nations which call for sanctions merely arrange for a "middleman" nation to do the buying and selling on their behalf.

Those Congressional delegates voting "naye" or "no vote" on non-binding resolutions aren't necessarily expressing their "true sympathies"...they might simply prefer not taking part in the idiocy of their fellow Congressional members.


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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2007, 02:18:57 PM »
Re:  "...A lot of businesses in Germany do business with Iran..."

Exactly as do a lot of American corporations.

Shortly after the Six Day War, I was in Haifa and saw large quantities of wood planks which were all stamped CCCP in red ink.  I asked my companion, "What's going on?"..."The Soviets call for sanctions against Israel and approve of the Arabs' boycott of Israel!"..."What are new Russian products doing here in Israel?"  "Oh!"...he replied without so much as missing a beat..."What they say has no relationship to what they do!"

By the way, are the posters here aware that during the Reagan Presidency, Israel was supplying arms to The Islamic Republic of Iran?

The whole "sanctions" game is a farce...those nations which call for sanctions merely arrange for a "middleman" nation to do the buying and selling on their behalf.

Those Congressional delegates voting "naye" or "no vote" on non-binding resolutions aren't necessarily expressing their "true sympathies"...they might simply prefer not taking part in the idiocy of their fellow Congressional members.

Sweden cries about human rights all the time but Bofurs, Carl Gustav and other Swedish arms firms ship to every embargoed dictatorship in the world. British Aerospace (who act as brokers for several Brit firms) are just as bad.

Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2007, 02:33:46 PM »
Ron Paul is a straight up piece of work.  Doesn't it bother you guys the least bit that every disenfranchised, crybaby, racist, hillbilly Nazi in America is a supporter of Ron Paul?

I understand that a lot of NOI members support Ron Paul too.  All the makings of a full blown race war.

Offline mord

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2007, 07:35:15 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2007, 10:36:25 PM »

Please use punctuation so your posts will then be more clear. 

Who is Ron Paul's Chief of Staff?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2007, 10:43:15 PM »
Re:  "...A lot of businesses in Germany do business with Iran..."

Exactly as do a lot of American corporations.

Shortly after the Six Day War, I was in Haifa and saw large quantities of wood planks which were all stamped CCCP in red ink.  I asked my companion, "What's going on?"..."The Soviets call for sanctions against Israel and approve of the Arabs' boycott of Israel!"..."What are new Russian products doing here in Israel?"  "Oh!"...he replied without so much as missing a beat..."What they say has no relationship to what they do!"

By the way, are the posters here aware that during the Reagan Presidency, Israel was supplying arms to The Islamic Republic of Iran?

The whole "sanctions" game is a farce...those nations which call for sanctions merely arrange for a "middleman" nation to do the buying and selling on their behalf.

Those Congressional delegates voting "naye" or "no vote" on non-binding resolutions aren't necessarily expressing their "true sympathies"...they might simply prefer not taking part in the idiocy of their fellow Congressional members.

Please explain what the Iran-Contra scadal was. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2007, 10:44:10 PM »
Ron Paul is a straight up piece of work.  Doesn't it bother you guys the least bit that every disenfranchised, crybaby, racist, hillbilly Nazi in America is a supporter of Ron Paul?

I understand that a lot of NOI members support Ron Paul too.  All the makings of a full blown race war.

What is NOI?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #43 on: November 25, 2007, 02:03:43 PM »
Re:  "..Please explain what the Iran-Contra scadal was..."

Seems that Ronald Reagan wanted to bomb Nicaragua when an Daniel Ortega, leader of the Sandinista Marxist rebels, overthrew the government and took power to create another "Cuba style" Socialist Dictatorship.

Though the Reagan Administration "beat the drums of war", claiming that Nicaragua could would invade the U.S., and even though Henry Kissinger claimed the Sandinistas " dangerous as the Nazis of the 1930's...", Congress wasn't buying it, and refused to allow Reagan the funds to finance a guerilla movement named the "Contras", which was a group made up primarily of ex-establishment military men and assisted by our CIA to stage a "counter-revolution".

Reagan promised he would "obey the will of the Congress", but secretly authorized Marine Colonel Oliver North to take charge and start a war against Nicaragua behind the back of both Congress and also the American people.

Operating from an office in the basement of the White House, Col. North arranged to sell large amounts of American arms directly to the Mullahs of the Iranian Terror State, and used CIA and U.S. cargo planes to deliver them to Teheran.

Thus, the CIA & Reagan Administration waged a clandestine war without the knowledge or consent of the American people and the Congress.

The money they received in exchange was used to pay for the financing of the Contra guerilla "freedom fighters", who received uniforms, weapons, training, etc. from CIA & U.S. military sources.

Drugs were at times the favored currency of exchange in a great number of transactions between the Contras and high level U.S. government and intelligence operatives.

It appears large quantities of marijuana and cocaine were exchanged for American military aid, after which the contraband was delivered by our own government to major American cities and sold for tremendous profits.

The ubiquitous Mr. Adnan Kashogi, notorious Iranian world arms dealer and smuggler, assisted the arms sales to Iran as did elements within the Israeli government and military.

I can't remember exactly how the sh*t hit the fan, but eventually the conspiracy was exposed, and Congress went ballistic.

Congress subpoened Colonel North as well as his stunningly beautiful "personal secretary" Fawn Hall, and major league investigations were undertaken.

Eventually the Congress issued statements claiming that their investigations proved all types of treasonous activities were undertaken with the full knowledge and consent of Reagan and his top officials.

President Reagan, in a televised address to the American people in which he addressed the charges made against him, said "In spite of the facts, he and his government were innocent and had never done anything wrong."  [I paraphrase his exact words]

Lots of sh*t flew all over, lots of trouble for those "lower rungs on the ladder", and after all was said and done, the American people loved Reagan so much that they rationalized every possible lie to both excuse and/or justify his behaviors.

Then, true to form, the American people completely forgot anything and everything within two weeks of the scandal. 

To date, there are no Americans who remember anything about Reagan, except the following:

a-They can only remember that he was the greatest President and greatest Conservative and greatest Republican who ever lived, and

b-They can only "recall" that Reagan "personally and all alone defeated the Soviet Union" with his "master plan" of turning the U.S. into the world's largest "debtor nation" (for the first time in its history), in order to borrow money to spend almost entirely on military weaponry and his most favored "Star Wars" Project.

And they all lived happily ever after, and never again did the U.S. get involved in such lies and shenanigans again.  :-\

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #44 on: November 26, 2007, 02:44:01 AM »
Ron Paul is a straight up piece of work.  Doesn't it bother you guys the least bit that every disenfranchised, crybaby, racist, hillbilly Nazi in America is a supporter of Ron Paul?

I understand that a lot of NOI members support Ron Paul too. 

Birds of a feather, flock together.

How can any self-respecting Nazi or Mooozie not support Ron Paulestinian ?

If you were an anti-Semite and hated Israel wouldn't you support a candidate that criticizes 'neo-cons' because "They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party."

A candidate that uses terms like 'unconditional support for Israel', and thinly veiled code like 'allied with the Likud Party' in a speech villifying the 'neo-cons'  before the House of Representatives is a Nazi and Moooozie wet dream !

Then add in a mix of Paulestinian '9/11 truth'-- like 9/11 was the result of 'too many foreign entanglements' and you have a candidate that is irresistable to Nazis, Moooozies, 9/11 truthers, and every Jew hating, Israel hating turd on the planet.

Hell, if I were a Nazi or Mooozie I'd support Ron Paulestinian too ! 

Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2007, 04:17:45 PM »
Ron Paul is a straight up piece of work.  Doesn't it bother you guys the least bit that every disenfranchised, crybaby, racist, hillbilly Nazi in America is a supporter of Ron Paul?

I understand that a lot of NOI members support Ron Paul too.  All the makings of a full blown race war.

What is NOI?

NOI = Nation of Islam ( Louis Farrakhan )