MassuhD, Do you mean the differences between Hassidim/Hereidim and "Orthodox" Judaism/Jewry? From what I've read the terms "Orthodox" and "Ultra-Othodox" are relatively recent titles granted by the Deformed "Jewish" movement with purpose of creating division of Jewry. The titles are, from what i've read, probably 100 or so years old.
The Hassidim/Hereidim movements started with Yisrael Ben Eliezer, later known as The Baal Shem Tov (The Master of the Good Name). I believe he lived around the same time, or very shortly after, Sabbatai Zevi. The "Ultra" "Orthodox" sects, then, from my readings were more into Kabbalah: Jewish mysticism for which Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman, later to be known as The Vilna Gaon excommunicated the Hereidim/Hassidim for which he fealt they had contorted the teachings of Torah with Mysticism in 1777..from my understanding. Groups like the Lubavich learned from this "warning" in that they seemed to have returned to more Torah/Talmud Judaism over Kabbalah/Zohar etc. to assist in the confrontation of the "enlightened" Deformed "Jewish" movement of the day via: Moses Mendelssohn, Abraham Geiger and Dr. Max Lillianthal's work in Eastern Europe and Russia.
Today, the Hassidim/Hereidim keep their respective "cultural" customs and honor Torah Judaism....albeit somewhat molested from a traditional/Vilna Gaon"ic" perspective...imo. From what I've read, the Hassidim/Hereidim, have adopted a "Pope" like tradition, via their mysticism, in that they have this beleive that their "leader" is the messiah and communicates directly with HaShem on a mystical level. I may well be far off and if I am, I'm open to other's views/ imput.
But with referance to the specific labels: "Ultra-Orthodox" which include Hassid and Hereidi are presented in a very good chapter in Dr./Rabbi Marvin Antelman's book "
To Eliminate the Opiat" volume 1: "
The Orthodox N gger". I hope this helps brother...