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Ask JTF For November 12 Broadcast

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Zionist Revolutionary:

--- Quote from: Yirmiyahu on November 10, 2006, 09:16:17 PM ---4. Hillary Clinton, yimach shema, won with 60% of the vote!!!

--- End quote ---

Correct me if I am wrong, but the count at the moment is at 67 for Hillary Clinton yimach shema ve-zichra.  The official numbers will not be in until the 15'th of December.

On another note, I noticed that some Democrats who claimed to be against illegal immigration and a guest worker program won their election bids.  In fact, many democrats who claimed to be more conservative than they really are won their elections.  Republicans who are left-wing, pretended to be more conservative than they really are in order to win re-election (well, not all of them.  Thankfully, Allen, DeWine, Santorum, etc. were defeated).

Why doesn't anyone notice that politicians in election bids always try to act more conservative than they are in reality?  Doesn't this make them realize that America is not liberal in nature, and need to be fooled in order to elect leftists?  As well, what is your opinion on the phenomemon?

Hi Chaim,

Hope all is well and you had a great week.  I know you always say you are not a prophet, and I am not saying you are one.  However, you have been dead on about many predictions including the 911 disaster.  This week I was wondering how you believe the tense situation in the Middle East will resolve itself in the next few years.  How will the mess in Iraq play out?  Will Israel have to attack Iran to stop their development of nuclear arms?  Do you believe the Muslim Nazi Terrorist countries will mount a group effort against Israel and what would be the outcome?  Finally, JTF has long said there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.  I wholeheartedly agree and believe any sane person should as well.  Still, many politicians, especially Democrats like Hillary Yassar Arafat and that idiot peanut farmer Jimmy Carter, always talk about how most Muslims are good people and can be trusted, this even after 911.  What will it take for them and the rest of Amercia to realize the truth?  A disaster even bigger than 911?  As always thanks for answering our questions.  Be well and take care.



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