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A Good Book for Learning REAL American History
« on: April 17, 2008, 12:28:48 PM »

The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition by Willmoore Kendall and George W. Carey is a good book to start reading when trying to get past the falsehoods most of us have been taught in our modern Bolshevik Schools.

Constantly we are told America is all about Liberty and Equality, but in reality those two vague abstract terms are what is leading to the downfall of America. We have been wrongly taught that the Declaration of Independence is the founding document of America. The Mayflower Compact can more accurately be described as America's founding document, and the Constitution is the current foundation of the U.S. government. All the Declaration of Independence (DOI) did was announce that the 13 United STATES were breaking away from Great Britain. At the time of DOI in 1776 there was still not a sense of the 13 separate former colonies being one nation. The Constitution in 1787 cemented the fact the 13 States would now be one nation, before then under the Articles of Confederation the 13 States were almost 13 separate nations.

The ultimate American value is the right to self-government with a Christian spirit for guidance. While not all the Founding Fathers of America were of one exact Christian faith they were nearly all Christians to a serious extent.

(In keeping with the true Jewish beliefs of JTF and all REAL Kahanists, America is a Christian nation and Jews belong in Israel, though they are welcomed to stay America when they have no where else to go.
President George Washington stated to a synagogue in Rhode Island that American woud give “To Bigotry No Sanction, to Persecution No Assistance” when it comes to the Jewish nation

The reason they wrote Constitution was to limit the powers of government and in particular the federal government. They feared the federal government similar to all central governments throughout history would become a center of despotic power. The best government is the government that not only governs least, but that governs more closely to home. That is why the State and local governments were given more autonomy then we could ever imagine today.

While America was never perfect it was never meant to be perfect. All those who complain about the problems of the America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers are naive utopians if they think they can create a perfect heaven in America with their egalitarian ideals.

Regardless of the flaws of the Founding Father's and the mistakes of early America it is important to learn the REAL truth of the past and not accept a politically correct false history that denies America's Christian past. For it is that Christian past, which will be the only thing that can save America similar to how Israel must accept its Jewish identity if it is to survive the constant onslaught from its enemies.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 12:40:39 PM by Maimonides »
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”- Maimonides