Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Welcome to the Dannycookie "Ask the Love Doctor Show!"
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on December 02, 2007, 10:41:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: newman on December 02, 2007, 10:03:43 AM ---Stop mucking about, Danny.
No wonder your "brain is confused".
Grow a beard, whack a kippa on your head, get your butt on an El Al flight to Israel, go out to Yesha and find one of those cool, uzi-packing 'settler' babes in a long skirt. Don't even bother dating. Just marry the first one you see, they're all good.
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Oh if I grow a beard....there will be trouble by the women...Facial hair and me...ooofah....I may need to have a few wives....LOL
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I bet you shave with a razor, you pork-eating heretic! >:(
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: newman on December 02, 2007, 10:46:33 AM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on December 02, 2007, 10:41:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: newman on December 02, 2007, 10:03:43 AM ---Stop mucking about, Danny.
No wonder your "brain is confused".
Grow a beard, whack a kippa on your head, get your butt on an El Al flight to Israel, go out to Yesha and find one of those cool, uzi-packing 'settler' babes in a long skirt. Don't even bother dating. Just marry the first one you see, they're all good.
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Oh if I grow a beard....there will be trouble by the women...Facial hair and me...ooofah....I may need to have a few wives....LOL
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I bet you shave with a razor, you pork-eating heretic! >:(
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I do except for the sideburns..
Btw, electric shavers are technically a bunch of little tiny razors and if any religious Jew says it's ok to use it, then it should be ok to flick on a light switch on Shabbat, Gd forbid!
but I don't eat pork....therefore, I'm not a heretic.
Dr. Dan:
So post your questions like you do for Chaim...and I'll answer each one...two questions per person...or maybe three..do three..or just do four..four per person is fine...
hehe, i'm going to do a broadcast show..and there will be maybe 3 or 4 people posting in this section anyway. O0
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on December 02, 2007, 04:18:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on December 02, 2007, 09:36:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on December 02, 2007, 03:56:41 AM ---Do you condemn pre-marital sex? Does your rabbi?
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I don't condemn it, but I don't advocate it either...
My brain is in evil times so let me rationalize my point of view of it in today's time:
If there were no pre-marital sex, then people shoudl get married younger or else there is a chance that more evil can erupt from within the frustration.
On the other hand, our society is dirty and that may be the reason why.
And you might say, if one studies Torah, he/she won't be as tempted. I might say, not all people study Torah.
I will add, however, that pre-marital sex can lead to even more evil especially with most human beings. Especially human beings who didn't have good strong parents. I'm lucky to have the best parents a guy like me could have...
However, I will say one thing. It is much much more important to teach your children and yourselves if you are virgins to not practice pre-marital sex. It's much harder to be celebate once you had sex once. Stay a virgin for as long as you can.
I will add, I think women should definately stay virgins since they can marry younger...It is good for men to be virgins too...but shouldn't be as necessary. However every good man should treat a girl he is dating like he woudl want his daughter to be treated.
Sex should only be between two people who really really really love each other..and it is better if they wait till they get married.
So you see, in evil times, my brain is confused :)
I think my rabbi disagrees with pre-marital sex. He knows it goes on. He knows that it can lead to trouble. But does he condemn it? I think he only advices against it especially to young people who are most vulnerable to it.
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So are you a virgin?
I think it's a double standard where you say it's more important for a woman to remain a virgin than a man. A man can't have sex by himself so here will always be two people doing the sin, one man and one woman.
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youre one smart cookie, yaacov! i think your new name should yaacovcookie26!
If Danny's a virgin, so is Paris Hilton. :D
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