Author Topic: Books!  (Read 1992 times)

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Offline Dexter

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« on: November 30, 2007, 02:44:10 PM »
Well, books.

What books were you reading lately ?

What books would you recommend of ?

Right now I'm reading:
*Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morality - Friedrich Nietzsche
*[A Critique of] the German Ideology - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

I would recommend of:
*Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkin
*1984 - George Orwell
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Sarah

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Re: Books!
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 03:11:06 PM »
Wow. You're smart and brave to read Lord of the Rings. Do you like George Orwell then? Have you read, down and out in Paris and London?

I just read the newspaper most days and i'm reading the bible.

Have you ever read any Anthony Horowitz books, the Alex Rider series?

Offline Dexter

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Re: Books!
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 03:15:10 PM »
Wow. You're smart and brave to read Lord of the Rings. Do you like George Orwell then? Have you read, down and out in Paris and London?

I just read the newspaper most days and i'm reading the bible.

Have you ever read any Anthony Horowitz books, the Alex Rider series?

I'v never read down and out in Paris and, what is it ?

And I'v never heard of Anthony Horowitz (sounds Jewish) books or Alex Rider series...
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Sarah

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Re: Books!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 03:25:03 PM »
George Orwell tried to expose the poverty of both the cities by actually experiencing the life of a tramp in London and a life of hardship in Paris. Then he wrote about his experiences and the extraordinary characters he met.

Yeah, they're like an action version of Harry Potter. He turned his first book "stormbreaker" into a film that you might have heard, it was quite rubbish though.

Offline Husar

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Re: Books!
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 03:27:17 PM »
This would be a good book against our enemies:

"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."


Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Re: Books!
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2007, 06:27:10 PM »
I recommend you read  "The Garden of Emuna" - You can get it in Hebrew, English, Russian, and a few other languages. (its from Israel).
You can buy it here

or search  (in English) The Garden of Emuna - (in Hebrew) B'Gan Ha'Emuna

The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

Please visit: (The Greatest lectures on Earth).


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Re: Books!
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2007, 07:26:51 PM »
Wow. You're smart and brave to read Lord of the Rings. Do you like George Orwell then? Have you read, down and out in Paris and London?

I just read the newspaper most days and i'm reading the bible.

Have you ever read any Anthony Horowitz books, the Alex Rider series?

I read Lord of the Rings when I was 10, it took me three weeks.

Recreation wise the most recent book I read was Confessor by Terry Goodkind, last book in his Sword of Truth Series, it was rather disappointing, the series began as an awesome fantasy epic, but since book 7, Terry's been more interested in setting up scenes in which he can have his main character give huge sermons than in writing a good story, it's still good in places, but all the good bits in this final bit seemed to be repeats of things he'd done in previous books, and then the sermon at the end was the longest yet, it was basically about 20 pages of Terry trying to convince the reader that God doesn't exist, which is just not a good way to finish a fantasy book.

Aside from fantasy I've also been reading mathematics books recently.