Israel > Save Israel
Bush Regime Sides With Terrorists In New Policy
The news reports today are stating that Bush has decided to do a complete "about face"; going along with the revised Middle East Policies of the "Iraq Study Group" headed by James Baker.
The U.S. is now going to sponsor an all new "Peace Process" by calling in Iran and Syria, along with Saudi Arabia, to ask them to redraw the map of the "New Middle East" as they see fit.
In exchange, Iran will be asked to stop making nukes.
Israel and Jordan are to be sacrificed to Hizbollah, Hamas, & the PLO.
My guess is that "W" is going to offer to use the full weight of the U.S. Military to invade Israel and force the Jews back behind the 1948 Auschwitz borders. Hamas will be handed Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria. Syria will be handed the entire Golan. Israel will be disarmed by the U.S. and left totally defenseless.
Things are getting flaky however I don't think we are to this point yet.
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