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The blonde woman: international prostitute and saviour of the West?

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I've long suspected that Western prosperity, which seems able to command virtually unlimited sums of cash and imports from abroad with virtually no negative impact on the life chances of the well-connected white bourgeoisie, is based on something traditional economists are too prudish to talk about.

I saw an article in a newspaper today about Afghanis looking at lots of porn. Apparently it's an epidemic there now, looking at porn. The image showed an Afghan holding a DVD with white, blonde, European women on the front. A friend of mine who does voluntary work in Pakistan tells me that all the Pakis do all day long on their computers is view porn.

These same Iraqis, Afghans, etc also come straight into places like Britain as asylum seekers and are immediately presented by fit young blondes walking about. My opinion is that Chinese, Iraqis, Iranians, Africans, and others continue to give us their oil and let us use them in our Anglo-Saxon economic plan for the world in exchange for getting free access to our young blonde women.

In other words, Western prosperity is based in large part on pimping - letting every man in the world (except white guys like me) have totally unlimited access to white women's vaginas.

fake plastic trees:
perhaps you don't have the access you'd like because you go round preaching this to them?

i'm white and i have great access  :P


--- Quote from: fake plastic trees on November 14, 2006, 05:13:15 PM ---
i'm white and i have great access  :P

--- End quote ---

What makes you think we care more about your sexual conquests than we do his never-ending complaints?

I can understand one-thousand times better the struggles of the unwanted than I can the arrogance of the sexually satiated.

fake plastic trees:
i am trying to make light of a situation...

GTHS, you're embarassing us all with these stupid posts about minorities being with white women.


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