Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Cyrillic or Latin as standard for serbian people?

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Ultra Requete in black,
Husar in red:

"My country was ocupied by 125 years by ortodox Russia, Cosacs who organised anti jewish pogroms were very zeelous ortodox christians too, Shud I blame all ortodox people including Serbs,

If you include Serbs: you're absolutely WRONG.

Greek, Romanians and Bulgars

These ones neither, never occupied Poland, you'd be WRONG, anew.

for this? Prussia another ocupant was protestant

Prussia was Slavic,
dear polish brother...then germanicized,

but I don't blame Dutch or Danes for their germanization effort;

Why not encouraging them ?

the thrid most leniant and weakest ocuppant was catholic Austro-Hungary but I dont blame Italians or Spaniards.

Italians fought against austro-hungary, during WWI, alongside Serbia.

Petty nationalism will make us fall to oustside invaders Muslim or Chineese."

This "petty nationalism" you do blame is the work
not of the Serbs.


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