Author Topic: In One Ear And Out The Other  (Read 1079 times)

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In One Ear And Out The Other
« on: December 04, 2007, 01:46:31 PM »
B"H  The letter below is only an exerpt of a post I wrote on my frustration with the arrogance of the Bush Administration and neo-conservatives when it comes to Israel.

In One Ear And Out The Other

Secretary Of State Rice Is Mistaken Regarding Israeli Public Opinion


Dear Mdme. Secretary,

I am writing to call upon you to recant on your statement that that most Israeli citizens are willing to hand over Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Authority.

This is incorrect.

Israelis are not willing to give up our Biblical homeland, and especially NOT for the establishment of another terror state.

The Arabs, which you call Palestinians, following in the tradition of an ancient Roman misnomer, already have a state. It is called Jordan.

These Arabs refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. They refuse to acknowledge the Jewish nature of Israel. They continue to reject the historical fact that the First and Second Temples ever existed on the Temple Mount.

Surely, as a Christian, you are appalled by this.

These Arabs continue to deny us the right to pray there, while Muslims pray freely through the State of Israel, and enjoy the protections of their religious rights, brought to them by the Israeli government.

They also continue to say one thing in English, and another in Arabic.

This has been going on for 60 years, employing the western strategies against the west themselves.

Enough is enough.

It is time to give Israel free reign to start dealing with Arabs using Arab-like Arab strategies, like the President has been doing so successfully in Iraq.

There is NO difference between Fatah, Hamas, Hizbollah, Bashir Assad, and Sadam Hussein.


Each day that goes by without acknowledgment of this endangers the existence of Israel.

Which country do you supposed they will target next?

Mdme. Secretary, if you are willing to accept differing views of the Arab world, would you please at least acknowledge that not all opinion polls agree with your assessment of Israelis' willingness, or lack thereof, to relinquish the Jewish Biblical Homeland?

I refuse to believe that you are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people, in order to push forward an agenda which has already been written in stone, whether the American and Israeli public like it or not.

Please remember this, only one thing of any importance has been written in stone. I would like to suggest that you re-evaluate your understanding of that which I speak.

Let me be honest. After all that, I know I cannot count you to do the right thing, and prevent the system

I can only count on the Almighty, may He have mercy on us, and may He grant you the guidance you so desperately need.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah
American Citizen,...who votes
Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah