Mike Huckabee is as close to what JTF wants for Israel.
Give up the Golan -- No
West Bank -- No
Two State Soultion -- Only if it is out side of Israel
I can't find a better canidate on the Issue Israel
jtfrudy, the link no longer works. Here's a new link with the same information: least in terms of public positions, Huckabee is now the best major Presidential candidate for Israel. No other major candidate says what Huckabee says. Giuliani, Romney, McCain all support getting Israel to make suicidal territorial retreats although Giuliani conditions it on Arabs changing their attitudes and behavior, but Bush also used to condition on Arabs changing their behavior and attitudes.
No other MAJOR candidate says what Huckabee says. A minor candidate, Duncan Hunter, who has no chance of winning, also is against Israeli territorial retreats.