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Seizing white-owned commercial farms in Zimbabwe results in critical food shorta
Hail Columbia:
--- Quote from: davkakach on November 29, 2006, 10:00:04 PM ---
--- Quote ---As long as these savages continue to believe that the only way to cure oneself of HIV is to have unprotected sex with as many virgins as possible they will continue to die off. Did you know that over 30%of the South African Black population is infected with HIV-AIDS???!!!
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They don't just have sex with "virgins". These sick animals (apologies to sick animals) rape little girls, and when I say "little" I mean at such a young age that would have made even Muhammad (piss be upon him) cringe. May all these evil, subhuman beasts perish from AIDS quickly.
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Aisha, when she was three years old, sat on Mohammed's lap, and the "prophet" became sexually aroused as a result.
The South African Afrikaaners revere a prophet from among their own people, who was a religious ascetic. In the early days of Afrikaaner rule, he wrote a prophecy that one day the blacks would seize power in South Africa, rule for a short time until their society collapsed back into savagery, and then South Africa would revert back to permanent Afrikaaner rule. His name alone frightens all South African blacks, because deep down inside they all know his prophecies to be true.
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