General Category > General Discussion
Congratulations and blessings!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Congratualtions and blessings to Chaim, James and Yacov, and all the faithful members of the NEW JTF Forum!
A question for the admins: are the old posts going to be moved over here, or will they be lost forever?
--- Quote from: yephora on August 20, 2006, 03:54:27 PM ---A question for the admins: are the old posts going to be moved over here, or will they be lost forever?
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately we can't transfer the old posts.
However we will keep them up on the old forum (though posting will be locked) and hopefully proboards wont delete them.
This is cool... wow! Looks very similar.
Wow! this is neat!
The lovely Yephora is here! YAY! Shalom everyone!
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