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Moron Peanut Farmer Writes Book!


This jiffy loving hillbilly is delusional.  What else is new?  Hope all fellow JTF supporters are doing well.


He is such a nazi.

I, for one, hope he isn't assassinated. I hope he dies slowly from the worst most painful diseases known to man. He should die choking on his own vomit. This guy willingly attempted to destroy both America and Israel. He continues to undermine his own country and Israel from abroad. Now he goes around the world saying fake elections held by dictators are fair and balanced. He said Hugo Chavez's "election" in Venezuela was fair... >:(

"I will never lie to you" Jimmy Carter. What a total Imbecile. and that paints the imbeciles with a bad brush. How could someone who was so inept and bought the country down on its knees during his administration have so much to say now. He does nothing but stick his nose in world affairs and cause problems. He even mucked up the works for Clinton with North Korea. At least with Bush it just partisan politics. He should stick to his house building since he had found his true calling in that. As they say on JTF. Name and memory should be stricken from the record.

Wow, Yacov, right on! 


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