Author Topic: Why are, and Jewish Organizations defending Obama?  (Read 3348 times)

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Offline david1967

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Check out the following articles:

Jewish leaders slam anti-Obama emails

Obama is not 'bad for Israel'

Jewish groups condemn attacks on Obama,7340,L-3494849,00.html

I am shocked that the Jerusalem Post is printing stories like this.  It's usually has "conservative" opinions.  I would expect to see the above stories in "Haaretz", not jpost!  It's also shocking to see some of the Jewish organizations defending Obama: The ADL, and the Union of Orthodox, Jewish congregations of America!  Have the Jewish organizations, newspapers and websites become so politically correct that they're willing to ignore a presidential candidate who is a danger to Israel and the American Jewish community for fear of being labeled as "racists?"  It almost like an "endorsement" of Obama by them!  How can they overlook all the facts about Obama, his love of the Palestinians, and his racist church?  It's like we're living in bizarro world?!

Offline akhmim

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So what if they endorse him.  He's a good candidate and America needs to change.  He's not a racist.  The jewish community where I live supports him.  I'm so suprise by this webiste it seems that people here have hate.  I tell you this I have seen a lot and racist jews is not one of them.  Actually see a lot Jewish men with woman of other cultures and race.  Well atleats in Massachusetts I see that.  My buddy is jewish with a non white non jewish woman.  This website is protraying Jews as racist by the comments the members are making your not helping at all.  Jerusalem should be share by all its a gift.
"I am Polish so I will beat you with the my Hammer"

Offline akhmim

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So what if they endorse him.  He's a good candidate and America needs to change.  He's not a racist.  The jewish community where I live supports him.  I'm so suprise by this webiste it seems that people here have hate.  I tell you this I have seen a lot and racist jews is not one of them.  Actually see a lot Jewish men with woman of other cultures and race.  Well atleats in Massachusetts I see that.  My buddy is jewish with a non white non jewish woman.  This website is protraying Jews as racist by the comments the members are making your not helping at all.  Jerusalem should be share by all its a gift.

This site truthfully recognizes Jews and righteous gentiles who are culture warriors and want to save the good of humanity from the onslaught of decadence and peril.

i love what you said but im not seeing that at all here...maybe its just me im polish what do i know!
"I am Polish so I will beat you with the my Hammer"